Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Alvcard
Affordable quality Mixing And Mastering for up & coming artists.
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I am a Multi-Platinum selling Grammy winning Producer, Recording artist, Vocalist, Enginneer with Billboard, Juno, and American Music awards for my artists in multiple genres.
Primarily a singer/ session guitarist. Hit me up. i'm a musician, I need money.
I'm always trying my best and I want everyone to be happy and satisfied.
Do you need a radio quality mix for you single or EP ? Do you need production for your next single or Ep ? Look no further you came to the right place .
My job is to make your music connect with the consumer. I am voting member of the Grammy Association / Recording academy. I have been in the music business for over 40 years. I experienced the music industry and music production when they were at their peaks. I know what hit recordings are supposed to sound like.
Music Producer, Sound Designer and Mixing Mastering Engineer.
I make digital regular and stem mastering mainly using Acustica Audio hardware sampling (convolution capturing) plugins that gives the most realistic sound and behaviour of real best analog mastering gear in the industry, the result is a digital BUT really analog sounding mastering. You'll never recognize that My masters made digitally.
Mixing & Mastering for Commercial releases, Guarantee a Streaming Session with video call after first mix/edit.
Recent Successes
"Communication and execution was a little wonky at times--esp. in the beginning--but Rami is committed to ensuring you're pleased with the end result (and my song was def enhanced by the end). He's a timely responder, ..."
"The Crushboys are Totally and Always Awesome creative work... Total Pro's...."
"Leah flat out nailed the harmonies required for this track. She will help make anyone’s music sound top notch. I will definatly work with her again. "
"To work with Elliot is always a pleasure. He is a very inspiring communicator and delivers great mastering tracks! I will definitely work with him again! "
"If me and Stylzkeyz ever collaborate on a album with selective music artist we would be unstoppable. we have worked on numerous songs and his fingers and professionalism never let me down.. it’s always a pleasure to d..."
"Juan-Pablo was so fun to work with. Real kind and passionate guy that also knows to supply the highest standards professionalism. Provided me with beautiful masters for my acoustic jazz album and also supplied rev..."
"Matt continues to display not just technical mastery but musical as well. His ability to bring the best out of a production through feeling what elements should be prominent in a mix really allows you as the creator t..."