Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Alujazz
More than 10 years of experience capturing and mixing live performances, always seeking to register the naturalness and nuance of the artists.
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Why is Sound Painter ? From my early years I always saw many images in my mind while listened to music. And now for me creation of music is a painting of some pictures from someone's mind ( client's or my ) with different tones,timbres,melodies and harmonies.
Hi, my name ist Mary and I want to release some songs very soon. Looking forward to work with professionals all around the globe!
Credits: Netflix, HBO, Hacks, Universal Studios, Insiders, Calm app, and many more! About Me: I am an experienced saxophonist, composer, and producer with a rich background in both studio and live sessions across various genres. Whether it's for film, television, streaming services, or wellness apps, my versatile skills ensure top-quality perform
I'm a mixing engineer, music producer and I can do basics mastering manipulation. I mainly do Rap/Hip-Hop/Rnb and Rock to, but as a rookie fresh out of school (sound engineering studie's) I'm willing to learn from any kind of project !
engineer and producer for the War on Drugs, Kurt Vile, Torres, Steve Gunn, Laraaji and more.
Real accordion
Soy un profesional , amante y fan del sonido , experimento con varios métodos para llegar a distintos resultados y obtener el que sea mejor
Hello, I am a guitar player and I have been working as a professional musician for 20 years. I have been playing in many different musical styles such as bossa nova, jazz, pop and rock. I also use a wide pallet of instruments like Classical Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Ukulele and Mandolin.
Recent Successes
"Jimmy is an awesome writer and singer. He did the job super fast and nailed it. Very high quality work, great experience and it could not have gone better. It was a pleasure working with Jimmy. I will hire him again."
"Greg has a great ear and was very supportive in helping to get the initial mix right which then of course helps him to get the master sounding as good as it can be. He has a very personable approach yet is asserti..."
"CD 💿 production (Sweden only) of 100 pcs with label print took only a couple of hours! Best quality CD’s 💿 with silver base and water 💦 proof top coat label..."
"Tom is a world class mastering engineer with quick accurate and intelligent responses to any change/query you may have. I could not recommend more."
"Fabian contacted me immediately after my request and asked for all the necessary information. I got a perfect result within a few days without any changes. So the job was done to the fullest satisfaction. Thanks a lot..."
"Chloe recorded some vocals for a song I have written and she absolutely nailed it. Her voice is amazing, she delivered on point and was really professional! I can only recommend her! Thank you, Chloe!"
"Such a great singer, amazing bro. "
"Such an incredible voice and super nice to work with! Very flexible and professional! "