Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cláudia Passos
Hello, I am a guitar player and I have been working as a professional musician for 20 years. I have been playing in many different musical styles such as bossa nova, jazz, pop and rock. I also use a wide pallet of instruments like Classical Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Ukulele and Mandolin.
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Hi Backyard Productions is an owner operated Mixing and Mastering Studio. Owned and operated by James Browne who has over 20 years experience within the music industry
I have been in Music Production for 10 years, with a state of the art studio. Soon to become one of the hottest producers in Charlotte NC, besides my 2nd cousin Rodney Jerkins. All original artist, as well as music, we have a unique bond from different backgrounds that loves the art of music, not just for the fame or success, that it will bring.
My goal is to serve the song at its best, listening it from different points of view and ensuring a unique, complete approach without ego. I work both with Major Artists and Rising Talents worldwide with the same level of passion and care for the song.
If you like a visceral, original and well-produced song, with punch and heart, delivered in Stereo or ATMOS music format, If you want to improve your songwriting or want to take your song to that place you hear in your head, then I'm your man! I'll play, record, fix, mix, master and even sing it! Let me help you take your music where it belongs!
Grammy Award winning engineer (Willie Nelson) with decades of experience as a recording engineer and mixer. TOP CREDITS: Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton, Merle Haggard, Lainey Wilson, Jelly Roll, Liam St. John, Megan Moroney, Cody Johnson, Kenny Rogers. My specialty is audiophile analog mixing & mastering @ The Blueroom Studios.
Baritone voice, groovy guitar player...
Session guitar and bass work. Can also program drums and provide some midi work depending on skill level needed. Work on metal, rock, country, or soundtrack music. Looking to get more work to pay for my solo album.
Are you looking to breathe some life into your recordings? Perhaps some help balancing and polishing already great projects, or help in pushing fledgling song's over the line sounding bigger, wider, or just plain better? I'm obsessed with sound & I've got the ear and the gear to help you make your magic. Reach out & let's talk shop!
Recent Successes
"Definitely worth messaging! My go to engineer and very good!"
"Andreas is very professional and responsible for our project. His multi-skills and creativity are crucial factors that made the result sounds great! He also has good communication skills and is patient and efficient ..."
"Working with Andres was a seamless process - very quick communication, professional turnaround time, and provided two different masters for my choosing! "
"Top mastering quality! It sounds deep, warm and powerful. And well-balanced. I will work with him again in the future. By the way, he is a good guy!"
"Great singer!"
"Benny mixed and mastered my song and did a fantastic job! He was easy to communicate with and had a quick and efficient turn around. The process was easy from my side and the finished product sounded great. Highly rec..."
"As I expected, Chloe recorded a superb version of one of my Classic soulful / pop songs with the original previously played on prime time UK BBC Radio 1. The original was a hard song to cover with intricate vocals, ..."
"My song number 5 with Matty and he is always the BEST!!!!"
"John did a great job mixing our album ! He brought his creativity to achieve a superb sounding record. He works with great professionality, communication and good attitude. I had a very good experience working w..."
"Very Professional!!!!"