Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Marissol Mwaba
More than 10 years of experience capturing and mixing live performances, always seeking to register the naturalness and nuance of the artists.
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25 years in the music industry. Expert Logic Pro engineer. Final mixing & mastering. Music & Film. Experience in mastering for specific formats - Rock Music, Indy, Podcasts, YouTube, Streaming services, CD, Vinyl, Broadcast and Film Production. Currently working on Cosmo Jarvis' 4th album.
Composer, guitarist, and all round audio solutions expert. If you need anything regarding audio, music or professional advice, don't hesitate to get in contact with me!
You are a special being on this Earth.
Write songs with complete lyric, melody and vocal arrangement
My greatest skill is solving problems for others. Wether its mixing your 20+ tracks, or tuning your vocals or any other instrument, I am your guy. Prices are not firm; only because every project is different. Lets get to work!
Pawna Lake Camp | Camping In Lonavala | Camping Near Pune
Musician, Cellist. Member of Camargo Guarnieri Quartet, São Paulo Symphony Orchestra and São Paulo State University Cello Professor. Extensive experience with recordings, cello, chamber music, orchestra and recording music in general.
As an experienced DJ, music producer, and mixing engineer, I can transform your rough mixes into a polished and professional track that is radio-ready and commercial.
Recent Successes
"Daniel has been a pleasure to work with. "Tanked" was our first project with him. Also the first time our master came back extremely fast and he nailed it on the first try. We definitely will be working with him again..."
"Really made the album shine. He listens to your work for what you intended and brings its best heart out. Not only amazing technical skills as an engineer, but you can tell there's a strong sense of creativity and..."
"Christian delivers again! They vocal tracks sound great off the bat! De-breathed. Good timing. Great takes. Tasteful tweaks to the phrasing. Colourful harmonies. Really happy. Mixing these will be my pleasure. "
"Jay is extremely professional, efficient and fast. Jay is that guy!! "
"dude is just like the name!!! solid!!!! thanks again carlo!!!!!"
"AJ was great to work with. Was able to execute exactly what I needed for a TV brief on time with plenty of great options to choose from. Strongly recommended! "
"He was very helpful and very open to helping out if you have an musical needs."
"if you have been folowing my history ...then you know Peter and I are on the same page. he has helped SOUND GEMS much over the years."
"Excellent experience working with Fabio, professional, creative, quick, talented, will work with him again 100%"
"Great job. I love the care and attention Meredith puts in each song she has done for me. Bravo! "