Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Alina grossu
EuroVision Songcontest Winning Producer, Numberous Productions for Slava Kaminska, Melovin, Dara, Omeloni, Oleg Mashukovsky creating millions of streams world-wide.
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I’m a guitarist, bassist and producer and have been working in the music industry for over 15 years. I studied at the London Guitar Institute and have since been featured on BBC Radio 1 and Radio 1Xtra and have toured Europe and America with a variety of pop acts.
I have been mixing professionally since 2007 and have been working with the biggest labels and many different genres. All from Jazz to Death Metal.
Guitarist and bass player teaching online lessons and helping you create to your best. Creative sound production and tone engineering.
I'm a musician, guitarist, composer but also a teacher in different music schools. I have and play with differents artists and in several groups.
I see success in my Future, I’m jus a Present that the Past gave me• 90s Baby, treat the game like the 80s• Alot of s**t numb, lot of s**t really ain’t faze me• Young risktaker, no matter how high stakes be•
Professional level music production Mixing and Mastering. Because only the absolute best finished product will do.
New York City based Session Guitarist, with a Berklee Degree, 3 albums to my name, and years of experience playing live, recording in the Studio, and writing arrangements for artists. I play and record professional Electric, Acoustic and Nylon string guitars, specialized in World Music, Indie Rock, Old Time Jazz, and Latin American/Flamenco styles.
Recent Successes
"All I can say is, what a bad, bad girl! Tons of attitude and power. I'm just blown away. Very pleasant and fair to work with. She's a wonderful artist and she took my song to another level. Thank you, Tarra."
"Eleanor is a talented harpist that'll work with you to get the perfect sound for you track. Great experience! "
"Stephen was great to work with! This was my first time using SoundBetter and it was a great experience, I will be using SB & Stephen again!!"
"I was getting bogged down with multiple projects and needed a hand with some editing. Ivan not only did an amazing job but did so extremely quickly and was a pleasure to work with. Will working with him again!"
"This is my first time using soundbetter and Nate excelled any expectations I had. Beyond professional, Nate understood my requests, was friendly, creative, and has a killer sound. Thank you so much, Nate elevated my t..."
"HOW CAN I GET MY WORK DONE WHEN I'VE GOT CRIS's KILLER VOCALS JAMMING INSIDE MY HEAD? If that doesn't yell mass appeal I don't know what will. I gave Cris a tough task (turn a sensitive pop song into a rock pop hit)...."
"Steven was great and helpful to assist for any adjustments to complete the mix! Thanks Steven Kubie Productions."
"Aside from being such a great guy, he far exceeds my expectations every time I work with him. What a talent. So blessed to work with someone like Scott. Hit him up for an amazing collaboration! "