Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Slava Kaminska
EuroVision Songcontest Winning Producer, Numberous Productions for Slava Kaminska, Melovin, Dara, Omeloni, Oleg Mashukovsky creating millions of streams world-wide.
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Hello, I am a Seattle based recording producer, engineer, and mixer since 1992. Past / Recent clients have been Dave Matthews Band, Pearl Jam, Noah Gundersen, David Ramirez, Audioslave, etc.
Independent music producer. Lyricist, guitarist, bassist, drummer. Composer/Arranger. Audio editor and mixer capable of mastering tracks.
Mainly focussing on cinematic, ambient, chill, electronic music. Most of my tracks are instrumental, however every track has a certain theme and story it wants to tell. My tracks are often a combination between synthesizer sounds and traditional piano sounds.
Trappin straight outta Kansas.
I Make House, EDM, Pop, Trap, HipHop Beats and Full Tracks!
Wide-Fi Sound (Lo-Fi <-> Hi-Fi, and all in beetween). Adventure recorder and mixer. NO RECIPES APPLIED!!! Each song is unique and deserves what makes it sond better.
With credits for names like Lil' Flip, Project Pat, Lil' Keke, Bezz Believe & more. I've recorded, mixed and mastered for 23 years to get to my current level of flavor. I handle artist's songs with the utmost care as if they're my own and aim to craft them into big sounding records. Think tight bass, no mud, clear mids & a pleasing high-end!
I'm Christian, session drummer with the experience developed on playing and record Rock,Hip Hop,Pop,Folk, Punk,Country and Jazz, bringing out that vibe and the best sound possible. Check out some of my drum works : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLowBatX2YDPqXDAKzz0-7xzSaGccXvxgT&si=bJry98OGXGL-r7gT
Recent Successes
"He did a great job with the latest track. I decided to dig deep into my catalog and pull out a song that I wrote years ago. He helped me to modernize it. I couldn't be happier."
"Chance is absolutely spectacular. The level of talent you get from him will leave your jaw on the floor. From guitar to drums to banjo to fiddle--it seems he does it all (and very, very well). He also has a keen ear i..."
"Eileen wrote an amazing song and the workflow was seamless. Looking forward to the next one!"
"This is my second collaboration with J.O.Y. Once again, great voice and lyrics. There is nothing else to ask. It's simply right. His voice have a very modern sound to them. I feel myself privileged to have worked with..."
"20+ songs done in 1 year. Amazing grooves!"
"Sefi has a great ear for detail, and has been a pleasure to work with. This is my second project, and I will definitely be working with him again! If you have been looking and listening to lots of examples/producers a..."
"Corey's skills in mixing and mastering truly stand out. With a strong understanding of hip-hop, he navigates the technical landscape easily. His patience during the iterative process is noteworthy, leading to a top-no..."
"Another great round of mix/mastering. ALOU is my go to"