Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ainhoa Sánchez
Pop Guitarist, Producer and Mixer based in Barcelona.
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Pianist, Keyboardist, Synthesist, Composer & Producer. Music Maker for 40+ years. I have several working bands. I've worked with Dancers and Choreographers since 1983. I'm heavily into music technology. Coffee lover. :)
Started producing when I was 12, started playing guitar when I was 16, and piano when I was 17, drums when I was 20, all so that I can make pop hits that you'll struggle to get out of your head.
/Music is the mission/
London based session player of 20 years with a focus on the song! Tom Jones, Van Morrison, Paolo Nutini, James Hunter and many more. I use only authentic gear such as my Hammond B3 and Wurlitzer EP200. Soul/gospel/roots/rock.
Do you have a song idea in your head and want to bring it to life? Start here.
I'm korean producer
I will edit, mix and master your songs, podcast, vidéo or any king of audio material
Recent Successes
"Third round and... things are getting better and better. Great result about the song that represents me and my Hammond, furthermore... lyrics are very cool and with some funny double meaning :-) Currently my favo..."
"Kieron is absolutely amazing. Very understanding, patient, and willing to work with you until you are happy with the song. I am really impressed with his work on my recent track and I will definitely work with him ag..."
"Another collaboration with Bea. Everytime we were surprised with the quality of the voice and the precise work. Wonderful singer, that really increase your track"
"Excellent Fantastic service from Freddie. He has a strong ear and willing heart to bring whatever your present to life and add the right flavor to make the sound last. He's awesome and have done great things to bring ..."
"Excellent job from Taylor. Quick turn around on our project and very pleased with the outcome. Will definitely work with him again and recommend others deciding on whether to do so also to make contact with him! "
"If you've just found Paul J Cecchetti, then this is a GREAT day for you. Paul is a World Class Pro, a MASTER. The best guy out there. Easy. ASTONISHING talent and an absolute pleasure to work with. Thanks again, Paul...."
"Aaron continues to be a pleasure to work with. He is an excellent communicator and gives good advice when you ask for it. The analog equipment he uses will put a nice touch to your sound and it truly sounds better, no..."