Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Baba Blakes
I'm influenced by ongoing trends creating emotional and polished vocal comps. My toplines are high end and clean.
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I can sell beats and instrumentals. I can get a vocal and find the right chords and melodies to make it sound even more great. I can mix and master your song professionally. I worked with several artists and on many projects including songs for Armada Music & Sony Music Italy. I collaborated with the legendary Fonoprint Studio in Bologna.
hey what's good - my name is Isha. I've been a vocalist/songwriter for quite a few years but have just recently been getting into making produced tracks for my own work. I love collaborating and fully allowing some crazy ideas to take over the process.
I'll produce/mix/master your track with the minimum budget without compromising Quality.
César Mena, fundador y propietario de Semifusa Estudio (15 años de experiencia). Ha realizado grabación, mezcla y másterización en estudio, y de sesiones en vivo para grupos como: Alkaloides, Lolabúm, Guardarraya, Tripulación de Osos, Mamá Vudú, Caloncho (México), Inverness (Chile), Kevin Johansen (Argentina), Cienfue (Panamá), Tourista (Perú).
Only $90 for mixing (limited time offer) - I'm new to SoundBetter and need reviews to get the wheels rolling, so I'm offering the cheapest mixing fee available on the platform.
An engineer from London, who specialises in mixing vocals, instrumentals and full tracks in several genres. I also specialise in mastering.
I am an urban music producer who has worked with top artists like De La Guetto, Lalo Ebratt, Sech, etc.
I've released five music projects, and my incoming EP (self-produced, engineered, written, and performed by myself) will be released this Spring. I specialize in Hip-Hop beatmaking, especially Alt Hip-Hop. My beats are perfect for artists, video games, and movies. I'm also a lyricist ready to enhance or feature on any song. Let's make magic!
Recent Successes
"Gets the job done to the highest standard and in a timely fashion. Jazelle will deliver the high quality vocals you need no problem, highly recommended!"
"Loved working with Lady Luck Studios again!My song sounds amazing and our collaborations keep exceeding my expectations."
"Scott rocked this song hard. Every vocal part stands on it's own. He went from smooth to heavy and absolutely crushed it. The lyrics he writes are some of the best I have ever heard. Great job again! "
"Austin was super patient and did all the revisions I asked for! Would recommend!!"
"Quinvee me ha apoyado de la mejor manera en el mix de mis vocales, es una persona seria, muy linda y fácil de trabajar!! 100% recomendada!!! seguramente en un futuro estare trabajando mas con ella! "
"Scott was so kind and provided me with some beautiful piano tracks for my song. Definitely recommend him! "
"This was a very close to the edge project. Taking Stige out of his comfort zone but he handled the concept like a professional. quick turn around. he is on his game for sure. love working with him, you will too."
"Sabrina is a blessing to work with for sure! It's been so cool having such great talent and cool artistry as a part of the music I'm able to do! Thank you!"
"Mark knocked this out in record time and with record tone. He was super-responsive and as easy to work with as the process gets. He laid down a nice groove for very particular kind of feel, and while he gives me credi..."
"Great help with mixing the music! Professional and efficient. Definitely would recommend!"