Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Aidan Lewis
I produce songs I believe in and pitch for sync opportunities. Music Supervision is a big part of what I do, Searching for songs for clients like FX Networks, Warner Bros., Universal, Netflix and others. My production will level up your artistry making the track not only sync-ready but ready for expanding your fan base.
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Peter Hoormann is a freelance live sound and studio mixer / engineer since the 80`s. Experienced in FOH, live recording, monitor mix (in-ear) and studio. His companie PHD-sound runs a smal analog studio in Bierbergen Germany.
Mixing And Mastering Engineer with Alot of Gospel and Indie Credits Located in Ga and operates in my Private studio in Conyers Where he not only mixes and masters but also Produces music.
Chris Stapleton meets Cesaría Evora. Cody's vocals surprise and delight with smokey sultry grit that makes the song intimate and unforgettable.
Elevate your sound to the next level.
Solotica Lenses
hi,,,my name is collins and i am a music producer ,,,,i produce hip hop and trap music that i also mix and master. i am also a rapper and songwritter and can write to hiphop and rnb to be specific.
Producer - eclectic style drawing inspirations from different genres and styles. Inspired by world music and ethnic sounds.
Hello, I am a sound designer with over 11 years of film experience, specializing in audio optimization and restoration, seeking remote opportunities to enhance your project's sound quality.
Recent Successes
"Riley is really professional and awesome guy to work with. He did an amazing job on my track! I strongly suggest him! "
"Karen is a professional songwriter, she is serious, enthusiastic and bring her experience and love in your song. You will lucky if you can work with Karen. Congrats Karen, excellent work done !!!"
"BEST. PERSON. I'VE. WORKED. WITH. SO. FAR. I went to Nino to mix and master my rap vocals into a beat I'd purchased. He did an amazing job at an affordable price very, very quickly. I've been working with other people..."
"Gekko was an absolute pleasure to work with! Excellent work ethic and delivered the track several days early. Will definitely work with him again in the near future. He is very patient and considerate, and wants the b..."
"This was my third collaboration with Marcello and I couldn't be more thrilled. The first song was an indie folk song. The second an acoustic ballad. This one was good old fashioned rock and roll. He blew me away on..."
"Nate always nails it, never even have to ask for a revision because all his takes are amazing. I can't thank him enough for his production skills too. Thanks Nate. "
"Another awesome experience with Robert. He is an extremely talented vocalist and melody writer. Robert knew exactly what I wanted and executed it to perfection. "
"Emanuel has an outstanding voice, and he did his work in perfection. He really took care of my project and delivered excellent quality. Definitively a go-to place, and me. I will be back!!"