Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Aidan Laprete
Hi! My name is Raz Davidov and I am a music producer and DJ living in Los Angeles.
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1 Latin Grammy & 7x Grammy nominated recording & mix engineer for artists that include Pitbull, Pharrell Williams, Miley Cyrus, Tony Bennett, Gloria Estefan, Marc Anthony and many more.
I will write a rock oriented song for you and record it as a demo and/or can play lead guitar on the track. I am not a technical shred god but have a very unique style/tone. You can love it or hate it. If you are looking for sound design I can provide you a wide range of sounds. Orchestral, hybrid - you name it.
Mixning engeneer, songwriter
Hey, I am John Lewis. I am living in Dubai and I am an M-Tech post-graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Canadian University of Dubai.
You don't need to keep wishin' if Genie Mixed It. Here to offer budget friendly Mixing & Mastering services to people all over. I graduated from Full Sail University, and I am pleased to bring my knowledge and skills to your upcoming projects.
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Recent Successes
"First time working with Jazelle. And I am very impressed. She is a talented writer and performer. Gave me exactly what I was looking for, but in a way that exceeded my expectations. She handled the project with a prof..."
"It was really good working with Jason he was really on his work. Very easy to work with. Timely in his response and getting the job done. "
"Working with Moe from "Mach Ma Mecker - Recording" was an excellent experience! Good decisions, fast delivery, great communication and special attention to details and suggestions. The mix had great overall balance, s..."
"Jordan was absolutely amazing. Very patient, very knowledgeable. And went above and beyond what was required to deliver the perfect job. I am so grateful. And will not stop praising him for such an amazing job."
"Understood the vision very clearly. Surpassed expectations. Extremely perceptive and professional. Effortless & seamless working experience. Would work again! Grateful to him for helping me manifest my vision. "
"I’ve been working with Camilo for almost 3 years now and I’ve never been disappointed. Not once. His technical ability as well as his musical touch is outstanding! Also something to write home about, is his dedication..."