Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with AEDTP WORLD
Musical Artist Buddy DML Buddy DML BIOGRAPHY Real name: Emmanuel Deliver Amable. Age/ Date Of Birth: 14th April, 2008. Gender: Male. Wife: Cayla. Occupation/Job: Musician/Musical Artist, Technology/Computer Wizard, Software Developer, Web Developer, Business Professional, and more... ©️ AEDTP WORLD
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Looking for that tight pop sound, but need someone to help you make that happen? I'm your man!
Producer, Sound engineer and Arranger with over 5 years of experience.
With passion for music and to make great songs to be spread around the world.
Live sound guy
6 years old music producer from L.A. I make all kinds of music, but focus more on EDM and orchestral. I'll get the job you need done very fast.
TANGO | trained vocalist, artist, songwriter and producer based in Nashville. Specializing in dynamic toplines and rich vocal stacks, Tango is the definition of style. Her confidence, vocal versatility & flexible tone will deliver the performance you’ve been waiting for.
Toured with Billy Cobham. Extensive recording experience. Top notch studio.
Touring drummer for Mad Tsai, KAIRO, and Nicole Han
Recent Successes
"Caroline's excellent singing voice goes from strength to strength with each subsequent song I ask her to record. I can't recommend her highly enough!"
"Working with João is so much fun! he is a pro and master of guita,his guitar solo was just amazing.I'm looking forward to working with him again!!!!"
"Alex has a truly great voice!! Trying to set tracks to sound kind of like a Queen type track. He delivered big on my track, and great great great to work with also. I plan to hire him many more times, and I know my mu..."
"Kate was a pleasure to work with and totally hit the vocals out of the park. Her tracks were a breeze to work with and slotted right into my session with ease. The vocals were recorded clean and easy to mix right in..."
"Darren has been the ace in my pocket for years. On so many levels. Love our on going music collaboration relationship. It just works"
"The drumming is perfect. I also found the number of microphones simple and easy to work with for mixing. I hope we can do it together again sometime!"
"I had just come off of a rare bad experience with another SB provider. it was my first time trying that particular provider. For my latest project "Love Bytes" I knew I would need a rock singer. Because it was my firs..."
"Ziv is a musical genius! His creativity, professionalism, and ability to bring emotion into the music are unmatched. Working with him was an incredible experience, my song is so alive! I’m beyond grateful for his c..."