Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Addie addie addie
Specialist in all things groovy, hard hitting, warm, and expansive. As a producer for the artist Geordie Kieffer I've accrued over 30 million streams on Spotify and played for thousands of fans in the US and Canada (we love Canada).
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Freelancer sound engineer specialized in editing (mainly vocals) and mixing. I worked for some famous italian studios such as "Fonoprint" and "Antoniano - Zecchino D'oro", recording vocals, editing them and mixing. In my small home studio I recorded lots of independent artists and songwriter, sometimes helping with the production phase.
Sesionista Rock , Funk, Soul
Music Academy Graduate , acoustic expert , specialized in Movie Productions, audio arrangements, sound cleaning and clearing. Got hundreds of audio theme songs ready to be made famous. Page me and be amazed.
Hi i'm a music producer with approximately 8 years of experience. I work with Ableton Live Suite 9 still familiarizing with the latest version (10), Ableton Push, Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S61 MKII , Roland TR-8, Roland TR-3, Korg Volca Keys, Korg Volca Bass, Korg Volca Beats.
Ronny Mercedes is a Singer, Actor Songwriter who is fluent in English, Spanish and Italian. Known for being a finalist on La Voz Us and ex Lead vocalist of the 2x Latin Billboard and Grammy nominee bachata group VOZ A VOZ, Ronny is also an actor and can be seen on numerous tv shows like Bluebloods, OneLifeToLive, The Riveras and broadway stages.
Krishna is a Indian sound engineer & music producer based in Chennai. He has been working with some of the best artists and producers in the music business. Krishna's runs his own Music Studio, Contrabass Music Studios, this is one of the top class studio in India with the high-end gear and sounding.
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Vocals are THE most important part of your track. The average listener will be tuning into your song, wanting to connect with the vocals more than anything else. A catchy hook with MAKE OUR BREAK your song, so why not get the best quality you can?
Recent Successes
"Josiah truly knows how to bring a song to life with his improvising skills when it comes to composing background harmonies. He truly brought my song to life with his strong vocal talent. His vocal production skill-set..."
"Josh is fantastic! I needed some help finishing a tune and Josh nailed the vibe, emotion, and textures perfectly. He was incredibly professional and turned around drafts of the song super quickly. So talented and fun ..."
"I love working with Adam! He has an amazing ear, is incredibly creative, and always deliver above and beyond! Way to go, dude! "
"Darken.Sounds is an absolute legend 🔥 he met all my needs and his talent for music production is remarkable. I so so so recommend him. He is awesome and kind and respectful and he is a decent bloke! If you are here no..."
"Bram does always a fantastic job. As always: AWESOME MAN!!!!!!"
"and another one! Thanks again John, best of luck with all of your future endeavors."
"Shel was fantastic to work with. Great communication throughout. Wonderful voice that suited the song perfectly. And offered some thoughtful options, over and above. An A+ collaboration top to bottom. "