Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Adasa
Beat Making, Mixing & Mastering /Remixing
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My name is Ed Dulian. I've been producing and mixing music professionally since 1997. I started in Chicagoland, worked in Hollywood, and now live in rural Oregon. I've seen almost everything... from Cheap Trick's workflow to Michael Bolton's backhand. My goal is to take your project to the next level and make it... well... sound better.
Mix & Master is My Life. Try Me :) Mix & Mastering Engineer, Work in the Music industry for the past 10 years. My studio is based in Tel Aviv.
Multi Faceted Songwriter/Vocal Producer based in LA
I have produced an EP, two full-length albums, a single and remix.
Hi, I´m a gold and platinum songwriter from germany. I worked with a lot of well known artists in Germany, Europe and USA. But in the end I just love to make good music and connect with people through music. You can hit me up for: Toplines, Demo productions, Vocals, Lyrics and Beats.
me people resist smiling even at happy moments, or they cover their mouth with their hand just because of their crooked teeth.
Ganador de mas de 200 festivales colombo-venezolanos en composición inédita, y muchos otros segundos lugares.
Recent Successes
"I could go on and on about Skyler! This is my 3rd time working with her and she is 3 for 3. Not only is her voice amazing, but her ability to take my songs and take them to another level leaves me speechlees every ti..."
"Andres mastered my first original track and I couldn't be happier! I was going to play it for the first time in competition for a slot at a major festival so it HAD to hit right, and it did!! Thanks so much! I'll defi..."
"I really can't say enough good things about Lee. He takes every track he works on to new heights. 5 STARS !!!!!"
"Superb work! The vocals were top quality from melody and the text point of view. The technical quality of the recording and the processing was professional too!"
"Matt is the best. His drum tones are so good that they almost mix themselves. I love working with him. His intuition and sensitivity to the song is outstanding. Can't recommend him highly enough!"
"You can always trust Leo in any situation!"
"I am extremely grateful for his professional work. The final work is beyond satisfying. I look forward to working with him again."