Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with masauti
Beat Making, Mixing & Mastering /Remixing
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Hello, I am a Music Producer and a Song writer. I provide music to Singles, Short Films, Commercial Advertisements, Television Adds. I enjoy working on Modern Pop and 80's style Pop music. My Greatest influences in Music are A.R Rahman, Michael Jackson, Charlie Puth, The Weeknd and the world class Music Producer Mr. Max Martin.
Not-your-average-classical-cellist! Over the past 10 years, I have performed and recorded with artistes of every kind all over the globe. Classical, Pop, Ethnic, Jazz, Alternative Pop Rock, Hip-Hop, Folk......... There is no limit to what a cello (and I) can do!
Louie Ortiz, known professionally as Louie Love, is a Pennsylvania artist, songwriter and record producer. With influences from Puerto Rico, Lehigh Valley, and Philadelphia, Louie initially gained recognition as an artist following the release of his debut EP Love Tapes, Vol. 1.
Hi, I'm an aspiring lyricist and I've written around 30+ lyrics so far. I can write for every genre, rap, ballad, pop, rock, r&b etc.
Hi. I'm Adabia.I am a pianist,music producer & sound engineer, and i want to help you make an amazing record. I have delivered high-quality online afro beats and remote prodution to satisfied clients on every continent. Together, we can bring your music to life. Lets make something magical!
Watu Fresh is a Sensational Musical Duo (MaxMillion and Mr. Kesho) Managed by Masauti Entertainment.
Session Guitarist, Tasty, Loud or Soulful Guitar Tracks for Your Song. I'm a seasoned pro guitarist with over 20 years of experience. Featured on Frontiers, EMI, Sony, DarkStar. Prospect Park, Lion Music and many independent releases. Worked with 5FDP, Los Lobos, Steelheart, Thomas Lang and more.
As a versatile music producer and mix engineer, I bring your artistic vision to life by seamlessly blending creativity with technical expertise, delivering a sonically captivating and commercially competitive sound that resonates with audiences across genres.
Recent Successes
"Jorgen showcases an impressive resume on his profile, and after working with him that's no surprise; He's an professional player with a great punch and soul to his sound. Delivered everything in under 24h, from the fi..."
"What can I say, fantastic job! I guess this should be expected from someone that has worked with so many high profile artists, but still, Michael managed to surprise me in such a positive way! He understood my song an..."
"Thanks for being patient and doing a great job on this track Gab!"
"First track working with Julie... she has an beautiful voice and did an exceptional job on a track that was not easy. Really great to work with. Look forward to working with her again!"
"Nate was super professional, easy to communicate with and he knew exactly what to do with my pitch. He delivered fast and a the drum recording was insanely good."
"Alex did excellent job with stem mastering for my track! He is definitely one of a kind and can really take your tracks to the highest level! Highly recommend working with Alex and looking forward to many projects tog..."
"Patrick is one of a kind and one of the best. He has skills that most producers don't. He is has it all in one package. I wouldn't hesitate to hire him."
"Outstanding work from Emma. Turned my vocal around in record time with revisions. A real pleasure to work with. Nothing was too much trouble. Vocals are now spot on. Thanks Emma. You saved the day."
"Lea was incredibly patient along with being ridiculously talented. Work with her! "