Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ad Vanderveen
Internationally recognized music producer and recording/mixing engineer from London. I was chief engineer at A.I.R. Studios London & Montserrat, now a freelance producer and mixer. I’ve worked with many of the world's finest artists and musicians including Paul McCartney, Rush, Mick Jagger, Mark Knopfler, Corey Hart & John Martyn.
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HI I am a recording and mix engineer, vocal producer, songwriter, singer and music producer. I have worked with many Mainstream artists and can work to deliver a finished project from creation to the final touch!
DRZL is a music production group specializing in audio engineering, specifically Mixing and Mastering. DRZL uses the latest digital and analog equipment to create the best sounding tracks.
Stereo Presidents is a professional music production team specialising in RnB, Trap, Hip-Hop, G-Funk, P-Funk, Funk, Soul, Pop, Electronica, EDM, Kizomba and Acid-Jazz.
These days it doesn't take a BIG space or budget to make your tracks sound good. With a few key essentials your project can compete in todays market, even when mixed totally in the box. Thanks to all the great plugin company's out there, you can get close to the analog hardwares tones & textures without having to spend tens of thousands of dollars.
ARTISTS need an engineer who will treat your music and work as if it was there own! I will not only prove I am your best choice to choose from but I am experienced and work with high class clientele, My passion bleeds into my work and mixes, its Not always about the dollar ITS ABOUT BUILDING, I offer pro mixes thru SSL AND SCREEN RECORD THE SESSION
Tell me what you want, and I'll try my best to do it. If you don't like it, tell me what you want to change. Just here to help out anyone who needs it.
My creative goals are simple: I want to work with quality humans who want to make the best art we can make in the moment. If you're building a team built on trust, integrity, quality and passion, look no further and LET'S WORK!!
Techno and Progressive Sounds producer with over 7 years of experience supported by Zac,Tali Muss, Mayro, Mariano Mellino, DJ Ruby, Vesca and more.
Recent Successes
"Chad is the best, really the best : Super professionnal, quick and ready to level up your songs to the next level. If you need the best and nothing else, Chad will be here for sure "
"I’ve had the privilege of working with Stefanie on a track fit for a princess and would reward her by placing a golden crown on her head, if I could. My ‘Disney-like’ wedding-themed song seemed remarkably challenging ..."
"Josh did an outstanding job on my mix! Couldn't be happier about the result. "
"He’s absolutely killing it out here! I am definetly returning!"
"The vocals from Josh were amazing and were exactly what I was hoping for. He gave the exact sensitivity and tonality the song needed and I couldn't be happier. Thanks Josh! "
"I'm at a loss for words: I've been working on songs with Eileen for 15 months ... and it gets better from song to song ... Eileen is 100% recommendable mir fallen keine Worte mehr ein: ich arbeite mit Eileen seit 15 ..."
"It was a real pleasure working with Simone. Very professional and easy to communicate with."
"Mr UNFAIR here is a true pro. Perfect execution of all tasks, in a complicated project full of stages. All while performing impeccable musicality and singing. Highly recommended, don't think twice."