Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with "Acquired Taste" - Michael Buono (Writing)
Award-winning songwriter, producer, mixing engineer, multi-instrumentalist, owner & chief operator of Echo Base Production, one-third of the 2Many Cooks production team, pop/R&B/hip-hop obsessive, Prince devotee, pocket aficionado.
More providers:
The Broken Orchestra are a music production and writing duo based in the north of England. We work from a small commercial studio premises with a great gear list and a wealth of talented session musicians at our disposal.
Certified Booty Mover. The soul of a song is there, all I do is help uncover it. Bassist for Kelly Clarkson.
My job, as your music producer, is to bring your 'musical visions' to life. I pride myself on being able to translate the artists desires for their record into reality. I've had the opportunity to work with gifted artists such as Ari Lennox, Dave James, AsaTheProdigy, Jason Nelson, Got My Own Sound, and more. I'd love to collaborate with you!
Compose music in any genre. Professional mixer and sound master. Exposed in Spotify, iTunes, Youtube Music and others with own rock-n-roll music.
Rap HipHop
I have been creating my own music as well as writing and assisting with production for other independent artists for almost 15 years. Although it was not until recently I decide to go fully independent and take my music to the next level. When it comes to song writing/lyrics, beadmaking or needing a rapper. I am your guy! Lets get to work!
You can give me the chance to grow and make a great work for you
Warm, strong, calm voice for your songs and projects!
Recent Successes
"Good player. Gave me exactly what I needed. Would use again."
"Blown away! I'm usually extremely picky but the mix is exactly what I hoped for and he took all of my direction perfectly! Def going to be working with him again in the future "
"Really enjoy working with Roy, would highly recommend, another great mix! "
"Kramer rocks - mastered my track in a way that preserved its vibe while heating it up in all the right ways. Very happy with the end result!!"
"I am a repeat customer! Austin really always puts a magic sauce over any mix. He has some secret ingredient that other kitchens are missing. And the results always absolutely measure up to industry standards, no matte..."
"Nothing but top quality work with Mark, he gave his absolute best to the project & delivered great results "
"Superb job as always! Affordable, quickly delivered, accurately sung, etc. Thanks Sarah!"
"Amazing vocalist. I will definitely be working with Suzanne again. Great sounding recordings with full emotion. I look forward to our next project together soon! "