Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with jiij
I'm a French sound engineer (Audio mixing), preferably modern rap. I love styles that are out of the ordinary and autotuned like traviscott, Laylow, pop smoke, damso, booba...
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Professional Pianist, Songwriter, Arranger, Producer, Mixing & Master Engineer. I own a high end equipped studio that I can provide mixing and mattering at release high quality. I have 2 Diplomas and 3 Certificate in music and Audio. Studio experienced for over 15 years. Studio Site: https://studiomk-72.wixsite.com/mysite/news
Italian producer and engineer.
I am your partner for high end mastering and flexible turnaround delivery shedules.
Over 15 years experience as an artist and ventured into audio engineering and video/photo editing
I am a singer/songwriter, music producer, and mixing/mastering engineer and is here for whatever your project needs. I enjoy the writing process and what it takes to make a great production. Let's get to work!
Keya - Nyanser av Blå Ozzy - Vernissage Rahimic - Intro
Anthony Zappavigna (AZËE) is a Montreal based composer, mixing / mastering engineer, producer and sound designer. He has been working with more than 500 artists per year. Mixing, composing and producing music has been one of Anthony's passion for over 10 years.
Andrey Chmut - Grammy nominated Ukrainian saxophonist, composer and producer. Andrey works with Bob James, Candy Dulfer, Dave Koz, Julio Iglesias Jr, Jamala, Andrius Mamontovas, Eros Ramazzotti, Tina Karol, Valery Stepanov, Eric Moore and many other artists. Tiny Desk with Bob James 2024
Recent Successes
"Very easy to work with and understanding. Repeat customer for sure!"
"I'm a big fan of Vin's bass playing. Always melodic and always enhances the groove and feel of the track. A very nice and professional person to work with too!"
"Aidan's mixes are spot on. His dedication to getting it right shines through as well. He's my new go-to mixer."
"Quick and efficient, mark is a great producer and is great to work with, we had some differences in the start but we both came with an agreement and it made the track sound better and finalized "
"This polished, professional, detailed oriented, fast Mixing & Mastering Engineer John, I'm so lucky to have found! Being new to this platform it's very nerve racking to trust your art to someone else however John go..."
"Extremely great value. Quality of his masters are very good. Extremely friendly. Great to work with, would definitely recommend to others seeking for an audio engineer"
"Working with Lawrence was fantastic ! Great communication, advices, and most of all quality results ! I strongly recommend collaborating with him !! "
"Best on the platform! Walked with me through the process and delivered an excellent track. "
"It's been a great experience, great listening skills and comprehension of the track. Thanks!"