Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ab Hertz
Producer mexicano, entusiasta de groove
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Hey, I'm Mercedes Pieretti from Buenos Aires! Grammy 2025 nominated Songwriter for Peso Pluma's Exodo. I have written songs for Peso Pluma, Kenia Os, Belinda, Seventeen & Dj Khaled feat Kenia Os, Bella Poarch, Emilia, Thalia, La Joaqui, Chenoa, Taichu, Cazzu, Malu Trevejo and many more!
Bass player, reggae producer, jamaican music lover, good vibes and good energy in your songs. Let´s make some music!
Every mix or master is to make sure that the best sound and qualities.
Lyrics to go with Pop, R&B, Soul, Hip Hop records, etc? I got that ;)
I build songs.
Creating music is my passion! I enjoy working in a variety of genres and bringing musical ideas to life. Guitar is my specialty but I also play bass, keys and drums. Well-versed in all aspects of music production. Check out samples of my work at richmarkley.com
Finest audio engineering
Chances make champions.
Recent Successes
"Not only is Paul always up for whatever challenge I throw at him, he knocks it out of the park every single time. It's always a pleasure working with a professional such as him."
"Nate is WORLD CLASS! This was my second time working with him, and he NAILED IT, again -- did an incredible job. My advice, hire him while you still can -- Nate's going places."
"This is my second round with Kristal and it becomes better every time I think we wrote a smash! I look ahead to working with her on the next one. I would highly recommend hiring her the help she provides is worth ever..."
"Andrew did such a fantastic job singing a vocal for my recording that I'm almost reluctant to share the news of his talent. If word gets out, he'll be so busy he won't have time to work with me in the future. However,..."
"The BEST of the BEST - that's CHUCK SABO, another great track in the bag ! great to work with the UK's finest session drummer. Kind Regards, Michael Featherstone"
"another phenomenal track with otto's talented songwriting and, above all, extraordinary voice has created. you make something unique out of the songs ! come back for more. for sure =)"
"great work, amazing communication. for sure not the last time!!! thank you very much!"
"Best vocal production and mixing I could ask for. Caz takes my unnecessarily overcrowded productions and somehow engineers the clearest mixes I’ve ever heard. On top of that his professionalism and on time delivery is..."