Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with A Sol Mechanic
Mixing and Mastering engineer specialized in all music genres.
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This is Mystro out of Charlotte NC. Songwriter and vocal producer for over 10 years now. I have worked with artist such as Eddie F, Donnell Jones, Shareefa, Carlimo Da Don, Tim Stacks and countless others. Working with new artist is something I love doing...SO...Hit me up and lets get to WORK!!!
Fast and great mastering services, delivery in max 3 days, 1 free revision if needed👍🏻
Arrangements, production and mixes And: songwriter, arranger, remote post production engineer & mixer, singer, rhythm guitar, piano, acoustic guitar, synthesizer, ukelele, melodica, home studio freak and stage performing addict.
The Prince of Trap - Soon to be King.
Dynamic, classically-driven pop songwriting and choir-style vocal arrangement. Credits include R&B and hip-hop work with artists including Tomike, Tobi- A, Omo Aston and Nahayo, as well as vocal performances under pseudonym for EDM and dance artists from Japan to South America.
I'm pleased to say that I happen to be a well-known Dj and music producer from Lagos Nigeria. Having produced and remixed many songs for both the top artists in Nigeria and also the fast-rising acts, my reviews are nothing short of outstanding. My strongest points are EDM, AfroEDM, Housemusic and Afrobeat. If this is your genre, then let's work!!!
Music is emotion, I create emotion!
Music Producer, Audio Engineer & Sound Designer working with top audio brands and artists globally.
Recent Successes
"I had very difficult piece to sing with diapason almost three octaves. Joey was singing effortlessly. His soulful singing brought to life my song! Thank-you Joey Johana Blinstrub"
"Vic did an amazing job with the mix! One of the most professional engineers I’ve ever worked with. Great communication, fast but quality work! I will definitely be using him again for upcoming projects!"
"It’s great to get some Mix feedback from Andres before he Masters. Such a great service. Will be using his services again "
"David mixed 6 songs to our band. I was happy to found David because cost of mixing/mastering was totally reasonable for young man's purse. But it wasn't only reason. I just sensed that David took us seriously all the ..."
"Petey was really fast and made my track sound polished and ready for release."
"Huge talent!"
"I worked with Krysta to re-work some elements of a song I needed help leveling up. She was timely, professional and efficient! Definitely hoping to work together again! "
"Dylan just nailed it again. Absolutely brilliant, looking forward to the next one. Thanks Dylan! "
"Julian is a great vocalist! He knew the mood of my song and adapted his delivery to that. He treated my song like it mattered (because it does). He took my direction and offered suggestions, but still went with my ide..."
"Unreal mixing and mastering - My go to guy 4L - Thank You 💫"