Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Egadz
Mixing and Mastering engineer specialized in all music genres.
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Hi, My name is Fredrik Jonsson and I am a session bassplayer from Stockholm, Sweden. I've been playing for over 35 years and I´ve been tracking bass on top-selling albums for over 20 years including artists like James Ingram, Omar Hakim, Jojje Wadenius (Luther Vandross, Steely Dan, Blood, Sweat & Tears), Lisa Nilsson and Tommy Körberg.
Musician, composer and producer currently based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Growing songs and sounds that last as operator of the studio/label/collective known as the Marble Garden.
What is your favorite part within a song? Is it the vocal arrangement, the genre, the mix, the story or how it makes you feel? These are all fundamental to me as your artist and concept creator, my team of passionate producers, engineers and writers guarantee that you are left fully satisfied and inspired to keep choosing us!
All the way from Buenos Aires to your recording studio, my main priority is to make it groove!
I'm an audio engineering and production student with a background in piano, strings, and synths (and a love for indie sadboy music.) My well-rounded musical background informs how I play and produce both for myself and for others. Let's make your music sound exactly the way you intend it to.
Academic Writer
I can also track real guitars and bass. I mix with Logic Pro and some outboard gear.
Can play as a studio musician, Performed in a Jazz combo at Colorado jazz workshop, 2009 Finalist in the Electronic category of the John Lennon Songwriting Contest 2005. Won finalist and semi-finalist in the Colorado Composers Classic held in September 1985 and 1986 for easy listening music
Recent Successes
"Based on a crazy, half thought out sound I had in my head, Austin created something for my song that takes it to another level. Brilliant!"
"Such a great guy! I can only sing praises about Brandon!! Took my track and made it a HIT!! Love workting with him!! Insane turn-around time and so so nice. Just one of the best collabs here on SB. 1000% recommendation! "
"Awesome professional to work with. The mix and master didnt take long. I appreciate you sir and will be doing more business."
"You couldn’t wish to meet a musician with a greater desire to deliver exactly what you wish. Will try out different sounds and tweak anything to enhance the keyboard parts of your song. Nothing too much trouble, a th..."
"Elliot is a Gem! He is fast, very skilled/knowledgable, and has a great set of ears! He embraced my project with a zeal and passion and it shows in the final work. He hit it out of the park! Now, my pro recorded Rock ..."
"What a production and what a remix - thanks Nate - you never disappoint and your mixes and remixes keep getting better and better. Thanks so much for the time and effort you place into making every job unique and ama..."
"Great job as always, it's a pleasure to work with Dale!"
"Out of everyone on Soundbetter, Angel was the only one who knew exactly what sound and vision I was aiming for. Most people phone it in but Angel went above and beyond and the work turned out better then I initially t..."
"Working with KUYANO (Fabian) is knowing you will get the right result! He is an excellent listener who pays close attention to your feedback and ensures that it is effectively incorporated. His good work ethic ensures..."
"I thoroughly recommend Raena; she is a highly professional and talented individual. It was a pleasure working with her; especially as it was my first time using Soundbetter. She made the whole process comfortable and ..."