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74246 Eberstadt Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Hello, I am Stephen Coler I am a recording and mixing engineer from Ventura and I frequently work in in the LA area. I have a background in live sound and am a graduate of the Music Industry Studies program at Cal State University Northridge. I listen to a wide variety of music and especially enjoy working with creative and innovative artists.
Audio and Video productions since 2013.
I work with artists, studios, and production companies to craft relevant music with an original sound. Music should have the feel of the culture but most importantly, always sound like you. I write and produce for LSE, a record label in association with Sony Music. I also write and produce for local studios in Dallas, TX.
I am a film composer and record producer. Check out my work on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/@MarcelloDeFrancisci1
A Multi-talented Artist , Inspired by Many artists such as xxxtentacion , Livingstoner Cj , Chuck Van dusty , Eris Emo and J.cole , etc .
"Melodic" maybe is the adjective I´d would use to describe the style of my tracks. Whether is pop, R&B, dembow, hip hop, trap or a ballad, my sweet melodies and pop structures combined with different kind of sounds are my trademark. That being said, I always treat the music of my clients as mine so I can guarantee that a good job is done.
A musician with an unique sound who is a consummate master of technique and artistry.
The music you want that you've never heard.
Recent Successes
"Well what can i say, another amazing experience of working with Chad. This is the 6th track we have collaborated on and as always, Chad brought his A game. He is great at coming up with hook lines and great at creatin..."
"it was a great decision hiring jagon to produce my track . hes very talented , and hardworking , and hes also got the patience of a saint , so I can definitely recommend him to others"
"Great Work ! Very high quality mastering !"
"Rioux is a professional. He answers quickly and is very receptive to suggestions. He has done an amazing job, definitely exceeded my expectations. Looking forward to work with him in the future!"
"Another wonderful job with Gabriele. Very professional performance, great communication! He not only puts great thoughts on arrangement, but also cares very much about artist's insight. Had a great time working together!"
"Dylan’s master was excellent. He was super professional, quick to respond, and very kind. Best experience I’ve had with a mastering engineer."
"Great job as always! Thanks brother!"
"Excellent communication, delivery, and work from Leo. Exceeded my expectations again. "