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20863 Concorezzo Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Nurturing your creative vision from beginning to end
With over 28 years’ experience as a mastering engineer, I can deliver the best results from your mixes, adding punch, polish and that professional touch, as well as meeting all your editing requirements, from radio edits through to album compilation & sequencing.
I will compose and record a tailored drum part for your song. By all means possible I will try to avoid your track having a generic drum part. I`ll write something unique, far more special than a backbeat on 2 and 4 and an occasional drum fill. This is what earned me my recording artist reputation.
I'm a Professional Music Producer, signed on FSOE (Armada), Black Hole Recordings, Enhanced Music, The Arcadium & More.
Hi! I'm Rob, a 21 year old Vocalist, Songwriter & Topliner based in West Midlands, UK. I specialise in commercial pop music, but have experience in a range of other genres. My solo music is known for it's catchy melodies & honest lyrics that showcase emotion & experience. I'm looking to help fulfil your musical needs in any area of expertise I can.
Ready to work!! Grammy nominated producer!!!
We are two twin brothers, world beatbox champions. Traveling around the world and inspiring people. We write music from our own sounds as well as electronic / soundtracks / artist production.
Favio, a professional musician and expert session player, offers music production services focused on Argentine folk music, tango, and Latin American genres. As a skilled composer, he brings authenticity and mastery, creating emotional and genuine pieces that capture the essence of the rich regional musical tradition.
Recent Successes
"I've known about this guy for years now so happy I found him on this site. What a great service he provides, I'll be back very soon."
"Krystol is a great piano player and songwriter! She is positive and prompt in her communication which makes her a joy to work with! She is very gifted and you can see in her work that she gives her best and is serious..."
"What an exceptional instrumentalist and talent. I sincerely enjoyed working with Nathaniel on this. The creativity and intuition he put into my string arrangement, was quite honestly stunning. I will 100% be working w..."
"Michael took the instrumental of our song to a next level. Very high quality recording deliverd and super fast. Always open for feedback. I loved working with him. Very creatife Song writing and beautifull strong..."
"Captured the vibe I was looking for.Top quality work,He is super cool to work with. Fast & efficient on the turnaround."
"I already knew Jazelle from a previous job and she is always a confirmation of her talent and professionalism. We will definitely work together again!"
"Steve is a professional, smart, and experienced musician. He is also super easy to work with and will responsibly work on the project, He can fully understand producer's concept and turn the ideas into the language o..."
"Emma does a fantastic job with vocals. She is easy to work with, very talented, and her results speak for themselves. She's so good that she's always very busy so send in your stuff early so she can perform her magic ..."
"Cheshy is very nice to work with and no real revision was needed, because her performance was just awesome, right of the bat 💪👍 Her vocals are gonna take my track to another level 😃 "
"Steve provided some absolutely gorgeous Hammond on one of my songs on top of that ,he added an extra take as a bonus option. Great communication , very pleasant experience working with Steve. "