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20590 Soraluze Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Circus Studios are located in Napoli, Italy. We are a young team of engineers, musicians and producers at the service of your music. With many credits and and satisfied clients, we can ensure the best results and sound for your song!
Versatility is key.
Aotu is an independent, individual creator. He loves music and sound engineering, and has spent countless hours honing his specific skillset. If you like the distinct character and tone of Aotu's releases and engineering work, you will find that he is well-suited to bring that same touch to your music.
Logistic Infotech is the best Node Js Development Company that offers high-quality NodeJS Services for Mobile and Website by expert Node Js developers.
Hi ! Come here for big groove with Brazilian touch ! Multi-instrumentalist playing a 7 strings bass with which I performed with many great artists. I also created song arrangements, music for TV and some powerful recording productions.
Make a Deep House / Slap House track for you for cheap price.
An unholy union of Bill Withers, Sly & Robbie and the Gorillaz. dddddddddddddddddirty dub, bubbly funk and gravel punk
EDM WITH AN EMOTIONAL FLAVOUR. Experienced in producing, mixing, mastering and appreciating a diverse range of electronic genres. I will be easy to work with and help you achieve the results you are looking for.
Recent Successes
"Gemaine is a great person to work with. His tone is very lively and energetic and he works with you diligently to get the track as perfect as you want. I would recommend working with him. "
"As usual, Simon did the best job! It is soooo easy to work with Simon. He is attentive, empathetic and of infinite talent. Can't go wrong.. Philippe"
"I have done 4 projects with Austin and I will keep coming. He is patient and he works with you on every detail you want."
"What an impeccable job you've done! Thank you so much! "
"A very talented pianist! Artem delivered a beautiful arrangement of a song I had in a short period of time. He took into account all details I had requested while preserving the integrity and soul of the music. Quick ..."
"Another great mixing job done! Different style, and came exactly how I wanted! Always worth the $$$"
"Andres is the best. He is “my mastering engineer” - I send him almost everything I produce and mix at my studio. He is part of the team because he does such great work in a timely manner. "
"Fire 👌"