Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with нэвермайнд
Hi! I've been creating music for 10 years and decided to share my skills with the ones who are going to bring their musical ideas to life. If you would like to write and record a song for the loved one, turn a guitar and lyrics song into a fully produced track or finish and polish the demo, I can be useful for you.
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Music producer from Brazil, Winner of several competitions and an excellent professional
I am a pop rock producer, mixing and mastering engineer with years of experience! I have been doing mostly pop (top 40/mainstream), indie pop, pop rock and alternative. I am open to, and listen to, all genres though! If you are looking for high quality without the super high price, I am your guy!
has experience in latin, oriental, african, rock, pop, jazz, classical, rudimental drumming- functonal and experimental- wide choice of sounds and space
I'm a singer/songwriter. I write and sing mostly R&B and most of my songs I've written in about 20 mins or less!! Let me help you out!!!!
Timothy Ned aka T!M NED is a person that exemplifies a true, God gifted talent!
enhance your sound with professional mixing!
Josh Werner is a Grammy-nominated bassist, producer, and songwriter with an extensive career that spans multiple genres. With multiple gold records, millions of streams and a history of worldwide touring, he has earned a reputation for blending deep grooves with innovative production techniques, recording with some of the music world's Titans.
Recent Successes
"Roger was tasked to give some piano options for a track I was working on for a client. He delivered multiple styles with a very quick turnaround and the end client is delighted with his work. Would definitely use agai..."
"Cute Ghost made my track more intense, dynamic, and brought new life to it! He's got a great knack for sound selection, helping elevate production to accentuate the best parts of it - the result is pure ear candy! I..."
"Again: I cant stress enough the creative vibes and workmanship David has given our project. I will continue to source with this awesome bass player for many projects to come! Play on Dave, Play on!"
"Wes is the best around! I gave him something that I mixed myself and he had it sounding better than the Drake track I used as a reference for my master. Even taught me a few things while we worked on the song together..."
"Amazing work"
"Mann this guy is thee most professional courteous humble talented singer on this platform. He will be star.... and I hope he remembers all of us! lol Great writer, easy going just wants to make your project better! 1..."
"Working with Eze was amazing. Super fast delivery and very accurate, regarding what I was searching for this job. I've definitively wanna work with him again! If you look someone to do your woodwinds arrangements and ..."