Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with כנסיית השכל
experienced pro best live and recording guitarist musician composer have my own studio with many kinds of guitars and a magical modular synth
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Let's talk about your production needs and budget. If you can dream it (and maybe even if you can't) I can help it become real.
Been doing music my whole life from performing to the studio. There's no bad genera of music always something to learn from every song down to each note. Let's change the world one song at a time!
Passion is what drives us, mine is the universal language of music.
Female Soul Singer/ Voice Actress . American English Accent Christy is an expressive Singer with over 21 years of experience in singing. She intuitively understands the need to produce a project that accomplishes YOUR goals, and that is truly WELL SAID down to the last word! * Revisions Accepted
Upgrade your CVs and create new career opportunities for yourself!
Transform your music into a professional, polished masterpiece with my mix mastering services. I specialize in creating a balanced and enjoyable listening experience for your audience, and can add guitar lines to enhance the atmosphere depending on your genre.
BORN FROM THE DEPTHS OF THE SEA! ... Now that I got your attention! My names Nick May. Multi-talented MultiMedia Artist Specialized in Love Entertainment and Digital Media.
Recent Successes
"Jenny has a magnificent voice, full of emotions and always right on key. I always get the absolute BEST quality vocals from her. She is very polite and professional. I've used her in five of my songs and will defin..."
"Austin is really great at being flexible and working to achieve the desired sound!"
"It’s been incredible experience working with Leo. Leo is very talented thoughtful and fast, he helped arrange my piano composition, and I’m very satisfied with end result. "
"Astonished at this man's talent. 2nd song was even faster and better than the first. Reed totally nailed the vibe, energy, mood on the first try. Already booked him again. "
"Another amazing sounding track! Always a pleasure working with this pro. Thanks Matt!"
"It was a great experience, truly. Minimal communication, only what was necessary, the turnaround was quite quick, really, and the mastering work was excellent. I couldn't be happier with the finished product."
"Sefi did a brilliant job. Completely nailed it!! "
"This song was different from the previous one Anthony mixed. It didn't stop him from being great throughout the process! At this point, I view him as my go to mixing engineer. He's fantastic at his job, and you won't ..."