Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Totally Spies!
I’m quite new, but I have like 3 years of music experience, because I have always worked at the background of DJ AirshiP
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All Audio Recording is a full-service recording, mixing, editing and mastering facility.
Editing, mixing, and mastering. Passionate about all things heavy and extreme, my goal is to accomplish your artistic vision and aesthetic without compromising quality.
Been writing music for 17+ years. I'm fast and friendly, but never compromise on quality.
Located in the DM(V) area I've been creating music and manipulating sounds, helping artists bring their visions to life for 13+ years. As well as mixing records I also provide custom beats & artwork for clients in need of those additional services. Nothing is more exciting than birthing our ideas and thoughts into reality as a cohesive unit.
Professional recording and touring musician based in Berlin, Germany. I have recorded with international artists in the States, UK, Spain & Germany, worked with producers David Bottrill (Muse, Placebo), Al Clay (Pink, Pixies), Steve Lyon (Paul McCartney, The Cure). Currently also guitarist and Musical Director for German Top10 Artist Nico Santos.
Established rapper/singer from LA with over a decade of experience. Known for my hard delivery and bar heavy punchlines I also mix in a unique blend of sing rap. A recording school alumni with instant studio access I am thankful to be able to pursue my passion on the daily and more than eager to hop on the next project.
Multi-instrumentalist of Irish/Celtic music
Recent Successes
"Great as always working with Austin ! Best service around , spot on !"
"Leon did it again! He composed incredible synths, keys, drums for me that sound amazing! I appreciate his fast and excellent job! Thank you so much! "
"I came to Andrew with a story that I have been wanting to tell for a long time. He wanted to hear it so that he could put himself into the space, into those moments. To me, this is what mastery is. When you go to some..."
"Lynz was great to work with! She was very responsive to messages, open to feedback, and ultimately delivered a vocal performance that blew me away!"
"First time hiring a vocalist and Darren made this a very positive experience for me. Darren is very communicative, open, & artistic - making this an easy open/finish job. He grasped my vision on the first try. Thanks..."
"Wow! This is what you get when hiring a professional musician who`s been in the music industry for almost 20 years. Amazing! You can check out the finished result and join The Black Day-project here when its ready: ..."
"I love songwriting with Sara! She elevates every song with a blend of her artistry and her classical and electronic soundscapes. She played so beautifully on the parts I asked for to help me get the sounds I was "hear..."