Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Zerrin Özer
I worked with lots of famous artists in Turkey, I did full production, mixing and mastering works for them.. Now im making Dolby Atmos mixes in my studio with Dolby License Studio..( https://professional.dolby.com/music/dolby-atmos-music-studios/#gref ) Check this link for the info..
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World class Music Producer & Mixing/Mastering Engineer. I have worked with Armada, Spinnin' Records, Monstercat, Dim Mak, Smash the House, and many more. I have released dance music as Perfetto on Insomniac, Uprise Music, BrednButter, High End and helped many other artists obtain massive success.
Hi I'm an audio engineer :)
DJ Ram is a well known Russian based producer and remixer, sound engineer
Mixing/mastering for your project ARTISTS: A.S.S.P. What About Alice? Sorrow Dissonance ДЭВИЛИШ Location FTS Project
Hello! I'm going to keep this simple. My passion, actually my obsession, is creating masterful feeling drum tracks ! I have spent a significant portion of my life dedicated to the art of drumming, both live and touring. It’s what I do and it’s who I am.
Music producer, recording-mixing engineer and guitar player. I have a recording studio specialized in recording guitars, the first one in Mexico. With more than ten years of experience and 5 focused in recording guitars we offer a world class studio with competitive prices.
I'm an All-Rounder Musical Artist.
12 years of working experience with a Bachelor's of Arts in Audio Production (Sae Institute) and a Master's Degree in Music Production, Innovation & Technology (Berklee).
Recent Successes
"Great pofessional treatment with a touch of Tom Jones - quite difficult to find singers who do this kind of style so it's really great to have Panos, who is also easy to work with and reliable, too."
"Easy to work with. Always open for changes. Fast replier."
"3 x Perfect - that's all I want to say after our 3rd collaboration ! "
"It was such a refreshing pleasure to work with Markiss and his professional talent! He is a pro and knows how to take a track to the next level! Markiss offers multiple levels of musical dominance while accomplishing ..."
"She was amazing. Super kind, fast, professional all around. Extremely talented with a great voice. Thanks Saniyah!"
"I don't know Camilo personally, but he is one of the good ones. He gives the costumer the feedback they just need to reach the best spot of the job. At the end I'm really satisfied! It's always good to work with him!"
"I've said it before and I'll say it again - Raf is the best person on this site for all things audio - excellent communication and always goes above and beyond"
"I collaborated with Denny for the second time. I searched for the voice that would best suit my track, and Denny stood out. He has such a versatile and incredibly amazing voice. I wanted him to immerse hisself in the ..."
"Wonderful 3rd collaboration with Ben! A great bassist and a wonderful person too. Thanks Ben and talk to you very soon!"