Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Zappacosta – Innocence Ballet
Hi-Energy Drummer with a powerful funk-rock style, yet sensitive to songs needs. Played on albums by Zappacosta, Tina Arena and Harem Scarem. Performed on 'The Singing Office' TV show with Mel B and Joey Fatone. Programmed backing tracks, synth/e-drum rigs for Michael Jacskon, Lionel Richie and Amy Grant. Creator of STARK RAVING BEATS drum library.
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We are a music & post production company located in Atlanta Ga. We have certified pro tools engineers, sound designers, diverse producers & songwriters. Our goal is to create the best possible sound for your music! Ask about our first time customer discount.
North Seven Studios is a Munro Acoustics-designed 5.1 studio, and part of the exciting new Tileyard Studios complex near London's King's Cross St Pancras station. www.northsevenstudios.com
I'm a melodic master!
All genres are beautiful. Main focus lies in sounddesign heavy bassmusic, but always fusing it with other genres. Worked in trap, dubstep, techno, pop, singer-songwriter and funk.
An artist that has experience in writing, producing, mixing, and mastering music for 5 years. follow me on ig @dannylera_
I can help you turn your ideas into full songs
More than 10 years of experience in the music industry as a singer, producer and songwriter. Get the sound you need and take your songs to the next level!
Recent Successes
"William does great work and is always a pleasure to work with!"
"Andrew is a pro. Period. He engineered me on drums for two songs and it went really smooth. Sounds were great. Highly recommended!"
"Amazing work from Ziv with the guitars I asked for! Original idea and really fitting to the track!"
"Joey gave it his all and it shows. This is what it’s all about. Thank you 🙏🏼 "
"Zach did an amazing job with the lyrics. He exactly knew what i was aiming for with this song and he easily adapted to the changes i asked for."
"Masterful! I LOVED the melody and production that Kevin created from my lyrics. He brought my vision to life and I am so proud of the song. Responsive, talented and collaborative. I will definitely work with him again. "
"Dennis did a great job on my first drumming job thru SB. He's got the chops of course, but was extremely easy to work with and super pleasant. I can't wait to send him another tune!"
"Jeff is legendary in his craft and provided a phenomenal mix for my song. He was patient through all my requested revisions and accommodated my short timeline. He made my vocals sound utterly amazing and brought warmt..."
"Great work by Cc. Very patient, understanding and adaptable endeavoring to work 100% towards what you want. Thanks again. "