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Zamora Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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AV Inspire was created in 2011 after more than 10 years of experience in Live Opera, big band and gospel Recording and Amplification. Founder Geert De Deken, is head Sound Engineer at the Royal Opera House "La Monnaie" of Brussels.
I specialise in high quality sound for Music and Post Production. I am very versatile. I have great hearing. I am a very hard worker. I have a very strong focus and I have a lot of attention for detail. I am also assisting Tori Amos' Engineer.
I've been producing, mixing and mastering for over 10 years at Beats A Bar Studio in Wolverhampton with many tracks on Spotify and itunes. I specialise in Hip-hop, trap, drill, and R'n'B but have also worked on rock, funk and acoustic tracks as well as even audio books and radio shows.
I offer woodwind and brass solutions for your project
Hello, my name is Joëtta and I'm a Dutch indie folk artist and songwriter. I would love to collaborate!
Im an industry professional beat maker. I've worked on projects for Converse, Sephora, RedBull and a couple of recording artists.
From the studio, to the road, and back again. [I'm in the process of updating my profile page, but you can still contact me]
EDM/POP Music Producer. Emotional, Progressive And Catchy Melodies. Amazing Mixes With Loud And Clear Master.
Recent Successes
"Michael negotiated very fairly with me, which I appreciated, so we ended up doing four songs – two solos and two duets. He also delivered them five days early!"
"Hans is fantastic. great artist period"
"Mark is one of the jedi masters team. :-) I have never seen such balance of quality results and fast delivery. He has also a very interesting working method. Recommended. "
"Noella is very professional and responsive. Her thought process is very accomodative and doesn't resist to change. She has got a beautiful voice and ability to understand and come up with vocal melodies keeping the fe..."
"Very knowledgable and professional. Greg was happy to work with our requests for changes and made our Dirty Rock song come alive!"
"Victor is an extremely accomplished producer and musician. Always has wonderful ideas and knows how to turn those ideas into really great music. I have used him 4 times now and he has exceeded expectations every time."
"Jaki is simply an amazing singer! Great artistic sensitivity, great mastery of the voice and harmonies and exquisite person. Thanks Jaki. "
"Cris is so amazing in how he approaches our songs. Always with a delightful surprise. He knows how to think outside the musical box in making our lyrics better. If you want a pro that's committed to making music, Cris..."
"Brilliant, creative and the mix sounds massive as always, and never needed more than one revision to get exactly what I was looking for (or even better) despite my vague poetic descriptions :)"