Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Zakeya el zakeya
Fab Dupont the famous sound engineer complimented my singing
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I'm Sergey. I'm mastering & mixing engineer, recording studio engineer. I'm 35. Have a daughter. I'm working in this sphere for 10 years. I'm working with such programmes as: Pro Tools, Nuendo, Adobe Edition, Samplitude, Studio One, Wave Lab, Cubase, Ableton Live and others more.
I'm a producer, singer, songwriter that always tries to see the possible in the impossible.
As a mixing engineer, I will be an additionnal musician to your project. I always try to add something unique to the projects I mix (background vocals, additional guitar...). Little details make a big difference.
Brooklyn based saxophonist, arranger, composer Dan White has performed with Vulfpeck, Kurt Elling, Charlie Hunter, Allen Stone, Andy Grammar, O.A.R. and has toured the world performing original music with his group Huntertones. If you're looking for sax and horns in any style for your next track, or music for your film or podcast, look no further!
I'm a producer, audio engineer, and multi instrumentalist based in London, UK. I specialize in pop, world music, and alternative genres.
Hello! Male R&B Vocalist, Singer/Songwriter from Boston! 19 | He/Him/His contact: kpailinmusic@gmail.com | IG: mrpailin
Mixing & Production Services
490k Subscribers on the YouTube channel I do all the Production, Writing, and Singing for myself. I love pop music and I'm a one-stop shop for any work involving writing, producing or vocals. I work out of my own studio in Los Angeles.
Recent Successes
"Austin was very professional and had a fast turnaround."
"The melody Frank crafted for this song was spot on from the beginning. He takes the time to own the lyrics and create music that makes me want to hear the next line with melodic progression and vocals that just fit s..."
"I've hired Tom for my hard rock track, and this is the best decision I could make. Tom KNOWS drums and drums recording, and he will add a juicy, exquisite taste to your music! Tom was a wonder to work with. I'm def..."
"Amazing, got the vocals just right and gave us exactly what we needed!"
"He is kind enough to help you if you don't understand something. Also, he works so fast! Even when I asked for a retake, he finished it the next day. And that too many times!"
"I‘ve sent my first projekt to KUYANO for mastering. And the results are amazing! I’ll definitely work again with him! "
"5 stars perfect! Big cool sound, love it!!!! Thanks again Bram!"
"I read in Hollie's profile that her expertise resides in Choral Folk / Acoustic Jazz Pop R&B-Soul Singer-Songwriter Soft Pop, but she also became a Symphonic Metal Diva in my song. She is amazing !"
"Maria is quick, communicative, and highly skilled. She elevated my song to what I could only imagine and hope it could sound like. Please do not miss out!"
"Ben is an amazingly intuitive producer. He understood my intended sound and was articulate when explaining his vision and his process. Throughout, he was professional, pleasant, and super easy to work with. I am thril..."