Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Zach Shipps
I'm an award-winning producer, composer, and multi-instrumentalist. I've written music for Nike, Apple, Pepsi, Heineken, Walmart, short films, and more, and had my songs playlisted hundreds of times. Proficient in all styles, especially Pop, R&B/Neo-Soul, Hip Hop/Trap, and Rock, and their sub-genres. Hit me up and let's make something awesome.
Ready to get your greatest performance recorded for your next hit? Look no further! I will guide you to your best most emotional performance. Let's get some great work done!
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I have had extensive experience in the field of audio engineering in a variety of environments, such as live concert performances, academic settings, and televised programming.
Need a verse, beat, mixing or cover art I got you!
I am a versatile music producer ready to help you take your project to the next level. I have released music on labels such as Sony (Red) the Orchard and my latest project "Dasoku" was #1 on Beatport for Dubstep and #2 on the overall charts. I like a challenge and I am eager to help you create the song that you picture in your head.
Engagements include Chaka Khan, Ben E. King, The Impressions, The Emotions, Hamish Stuart, Madeline Bell, Leeroy Hutson and Joss Stone amongst others. Voted in the top 3 Keyboard Players for Blues Matters Writers Poll. Toured all over the world. 20+ years of experience in the music business.
Welcome to Caslow! Real names are Natale Castelli & Brody Low. We are a North American dance-pop music production duo specialing in melodic EDM and pop music. We have a combined total of over 10 years of music production experience. Natale is a multi-instrumentalist with 18 years of piano experience, 5 years of guitar, and 5 years of bass guitar.
Male vocal with a lot of emotional caracter. I also produce (dark)pop/edm style of music.
Everything you need I got it, very Budget Friendly and Top Tier Production and Mix & Master Skills.
I've worked over the years with some of the finest folk musicians in Canada and USA. My goal is to achieve your dream sound and to help your song speak emotionally to the listener.
Recent Successes
"Professional , work fast and can take your track to another level Highly recommended "
"Matt took a track that had some issues and polished it to perfection. I’m so impressed! A great communicator and technician as always. I will be sending him another track very soon. "
"Paul is great to work with. This is my first project I am collaborating through SoundBetter on and he was very communicative and helpful throughout the whole process and did a great job intuiting what would sound good..."
"Scott never fails to bring my ideas to life, and make them sound like the best versions of themselves. I highly recommend working with him because he pays attention to the details that most might overlook."
"producer_nana is Brilliant. i will definitely be using him again. he was quick to respond but most importantly, his beats are on point!"
"Sasha is awesome; great technical ability, quick and accurate responses and top quality musical ideas! He's got a wide skill set with multiple instruments, so lots of options to choose from one player. "
"Audiostein really brought out the best qualities of this track and enhanced it in all aspects. He also made some really helpful suggestions/recommendations in the process so you know when you work with him, it’s truly..."
"If you want a good quality job then your search should stop here. This young man is nothing but amazing. Soooo glad we met .!! Thanks for everything Brandon. .!! "
"It was nice to work with Clever, as the name says he's always clever, working on new ideas, easy to work with and would definitely recommend and work with him again."
"Kelley delivered phenomenal , accurate vocals and was very communicative and invested in the success of the project. True professional."