DOMC Mastering

Mastering studio - donut lover

DOMC Mastering on SoundBetter

DOMC Mastering is a custom-designed, dedicated mastering suite in Australia, specialising in getting YOUR next audio recording ready for the public. We can handle most audio formats, analogue and digital.

DOMC Mastering - Master Crafting Audio. DOMC Mastering is the only custom-designed, dedicated mastering suite of its kind in Australia, specialising in getting YOUR next audio recording ready for the public. We can handle most audio formats, analogue and digital.


CD Mastering
Audio Mastering
Audio Restoration
Vinyl Mastering

DOMC Mastering treats each and every client like an individual. We will listen to you and help you find the sound that YOU are chasing.

Send me an email through 'Contact' button above and I'll get back to you asap.

Terms Of Service

DOMC Mastering listens to feedback, and we guarantee that our clients never walk away disappointed. After mastering your music and your CD, we will arrange a catch-up session, free of charge, to make

Gear Highlights
  • Cranesong ibis
  • b&w 802
  • ijs custom Sontec
  • foote p3s me
  • custom ssl eq and comp
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