Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Yung Travv
I Am A Full-Time Multi Genre Producer, Mixing And Mastering Engineer, Musician, Singer And Songwriter. I Am A Swiss Army Knife When It Comes To Music Work. I Can: Write Lyrics, and Or Melody. Perform: Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Drums, Synth, Or Help Produce Your Track. Mix Your Track, And Or Master Your Track.
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I've had my songs placed in SuperBowl commercials, trailers, & shows on ABC, ABC Family, Freeform, MTV, CBS, ESPN, & the MLB Network. I've worked with artists like Cheat Codes, Stray Kids, Why Dont We, Said The Sky, Myrne, Two Friends, and more. I've had releases on Atlantic, STMPD, NCS, Ultra, Seeking Blue, Hexagon, Thrive, and Armada.
I have a certificate in sound engineering from the Recording Workshop in Chillicothe, OH. I can mix and master any song of any genre. I make hip-hop/rap beats, and I've been playing drums for almost 8 or 9 years
I've worked with artists such as LEXIM and Sad Puppy, landed on multiple Spotify editorial playlists, was added to one of 'The Chainsmokers" artist playlists, and accumulated over 1 million streams on Spotify alone all in my first year of releasing! Whether you have an idea to work off or not I can guarantee you'll be left with a hit song!
HOW DO YOU WANT TO SOUND? Do you want to sound professional? Then the answer is simple... My Audio Engineering services WILL get you there by making you sound how you should... MAGICAL.
I will record any kind of guitar for you on a professional high quality WAV format or whatever needed!
I will offer my 12+ years of experience at your complete service for a reasonable price. Available 24/7. Deadlines are always assured.
Everything from lyrics to MAstering.
Recent Successes
"Pleasure working with Jack and having his voice on my track! He understands a track is a process and sometimes a case of trial and error until its right, and is there on the journey! Trying different keys too allowed ..."
"He's the best player I know and I am stunned by his talent, light touch and musical spirit. Another amazing performance!"
"Kimera is an unbelievable great talent! If you want your song to sound like it’s a hit on the radio ( and everyone you play it for will agree) then hire her!"
"very professional ..i am very happy , thank you very very much "
"Thank you. I'm glad that the sound became smooth and good music was made. Jay actively makes revisions to my revisions. He is also very kind and willing to work with him again! I hope you make a good choice like me."
"Ivan was an absolute joy to work with. Great at his craft and fast and clear with his delivery! Will return to for sure!"
"The best mixing engineer I've worked with! I definitely recommend his services!"
"He was really dedicative, honest, creative professional vocal. No doubt with his singing skill. Even under the urgent schedule, he finished the project on time, and he's attitude was so nice. I'm sure I'll will wor..."
"Really knows his stuff, confident and has the expertise to back it up. "