Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Yung incredible
Hey there! I'm a Music Producer with a passion for crafting exceptional music, delving into intricate sound design, mastering the art of mixing, and collaborating on co-producing projects. With over a decade of hands-on experience exceeding 10 years in the dynamic realm of the music industry, I bring a wealth of expertise and creativity.
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Work will define what I actually can do.
Am a sound engineer who is compassionate about good music, able to turn a song from bad to great with my arrangement skills, always shooting for that crystal clear mix
One stop solution for all Internet marketing, Web Design and Development services all around the globe. We have highly skilled and experienced team of highly certified professional experts having proven experience in development and marketing of extensive variety of business solutions for different industry verticals and for clients.
All software is legal here, beware of others..., people that have too much software, when you hire HSM, you are supporting legal software developers. also have real Analog...some plugins can be replaced with Real HW, for an extra fee. 1-example: Aphex Aural Exiter with BigBottom.
I am a believer, creative person who is dedicated in creating the perfect song and will not stop till I procure. Despite me being a financial student my passion is for music and song writing, I hope that we can collaborate and make wonderful impactful music together.
I provide quality guitar production. I am looking forward to hearing and collaborating with you!
#1 Billboard Dance Club - Christina Aguilera, also Sia, Zayn, Beyonce, Lenny Kravitz, U2, Lizzo, Ultra Nate, Nervo, Jennifer Hudson, Billy Porter and Britney Spears. These are some of the artists I have worked with.
Recent Successes
"I had a great experience working on a song with Arthur. He is nice, professional, and a really talented singer and producer. The song came out amazing. Thanks again. "
"Another stellar experience working with MariaGrig. She is the best! Her arrangements are so beautifully played and recorded. "
"I can only recommend hiring Robin. He is one of the most professional musicians I have worked with. I couldn’t be happier with the result of the piano tracks and strings tracks that he recorded for me. And on top of ..."
"Paul always exceeds my imagination with his ability to bring life into subtle idea. He is an absolute interesting orchestrator and composer to work with. Paul has an open-mindedness that pave the path for easy collabo..."
"Perfect mix !!! Super fast and super professional. Great communication. I will work with him again"
"She is an extremely technical and talented singer who is also a good vocal producer as well. Tuning the vocals in this project was not at all a concern of mine since she had done an amazing tuning herself which made ..."
"So happy to have worked with Ziv again on my project. I'm extremely proud of the result and amazed by his talent, top of the line professionalism, 100% quality under big pressure and so easy to work with him..he's my..."
"Ohh yes. Such a talented musician and producer. Its been great to work with Lucas. Im more than satisfied with the project and the sounds and instrumental parts he has created and added to the song. Its a really bea..."
"I like to work with Merty! We are doing together a whole album and it looks like it will be a very good album. "
"Elvinho was amazing to work with. Brought great ideas forward, made revisions and did everything necessary to make the project a succeess!!!"