Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Your Favorite Martian
I love creating lyrics, vocal melodies, and singing on any instrumental track. Writer and singer for 100s of songs worldwide. Work with top multi-Grammy winning Seattle producer Adam Kasper (Foo Fighters, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Queens of the Stone Age). Voice of Axel - Your Favorite Martian. Pro Gear. Lightning turnaround times! Friendly AF!
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Mastering Mansion is the biggest and most perfect Mastering Room in Europe and the only one in the world built entirely from scratch. Nick Litwin has 27 years of experience mastering in the UK, Spain and Argentina. Nick have mastered close to 4000 albums, EPs, singles, vinyl recordings, MFiT, remasters. He has very happy clients all over the world.
Hello, I am a Singer/Songwriter residing in Chicago. I have been singing for over 15 years and writing for 9 years. I have released my Debut Single "My Savior" in 2018. The single was written by me. I look forward to climbing to higher heights and deeper depths within the music field.
My name is Evan Ferrell and I'm a remote session guitarist and engineer currently located in Hanoi, Vietnam. I have worked with many artists and producers over the past 10 years giving me a dense palette of sounds to pull from when writing and producing guitar parts. Some of these artists include Josh Garrels, Strahan, Edward + Jane, and more.
Clean and Heavyweight sound for your music
I`m the mastering Engineer of Republic of Korea. I have a lot of experience. Various genres can be covered.
Professional Quality Sound.
I love mixing for sound track, pop/rock performance with acoustic and effective sound.
Recent Successes
"Hubert was great. Quick response, quick turn around time, and delivered exactly what I was looking for. Will definitely be using him again for other songs."
"This is the 4th song I’ve done with Rosanna and they always come out better than expected! She is a great writer and has an amazing voice! Always goes above n beyond to make sure the song comes out amazing!! Highly re..."
"First time working with Greg he got my song perfect on the first day second revision. Very good at tuning vocals and mixing. Plan on working with him for the rest of the project !"
"Just listen to his demos you’ll know you find the right one. Great communication and fast delivery. I’ll hire him again if I have a chance. "
"Emma does perfectly wonderful work on my vocal tracks! She can always be counted on...great tuning, and a quick response!"
"The best we've ever dealt with. Consistent, in tune, and as professional as they come."
"Nik is super awesome! Amazing talent, great to work with, and really explores creatively what will work best for the song! So rad! I had a chance to meet him in person, when on tour and was rocking; as he is in sessio..."
"Working with Bastien is a pleasure. He is super Professional and understands how to do his work! Can recommend him"
"Matt has a great ear. Wonderful sounding mix and master. Very responsive and just overall great to work with. Thanks Matt! Looking forward to working together again in the future."
"Another very quickly recorded, very professional job, with Erik.. he has his finger on the pulse; and knows what is happening, right now"