Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Young Sudden
Top Highest quality Mix And Mastering With over 17 years of experience in the music industry, I specialize in delivering top-quality mixing and mastering services. I believe that my work speaks for itself, and I am committed to ensuring that you, as an artist, receive the quality you deserve.
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Since 1980, JIM ZOLIS has provided industry pros + indie artists with his finesse and ability as a producer and engineer. Over the years, technology has evolved from 24 tracks of 2" analog recording to the industry standard 196ch+ Pro Tools hard disk recording, editing and mixing system. Today, Jim is still on the cutting edge of this technology!
Bilingual (English-French) singer, top liner and lyricist, I own home recording gear for me to record anything to your liking! I'd say my style is pretty vast depending on the projects I work on: Pop, Folk, Soul, Jazz, Electro, Musical, House.
rock guitars are my best punchlineI but I can also play different styles.I make very good guitar solos I'm creative and original!
Ambient/Synth/Composition .
Self-taught audio engineer.
A supremely musical bassist experienced in diverse styles, with a supportive sound rooted in jazz. Quality remote recording setup and patient attitude. Recently on 'A Western Circular' (Domino). “…a great pleasure to play with… great time feel and beautiful tone” – Sam Leak. “The best electric bassist I've ever played with" - Brad Linde.
As seen on American Idol. Kerry impressed all three judges(Jennifer Lopez, Harry Connick jr, and Keith Urban) with his unique style.
I have 5+ years of experience as a singer, songwriter, and recording artist.
Recent Successes
"На данный момент Лидия записала бэк-вокал к 18 песням. Каждая из этих песен задышала новой жизнью и с новыми оттенками. Лида, вы замечательный вокалист и очень исполнительный человек! Счастлив с вами делать свою музык..."
"This guy is the best. Simple as! He will take your ideas and create a masterpiece. Great communicator and great guy... just trust him with your thoughts and he will bring the goods. 5*!!"
"Awesome job in regards to outcome of the final job. project done in record time and spot on. awesome vocals, musicians, mix and master. why look anywhere else!!"
"Dr. Made my lil joint sound like a Master piece Thanks Bro...."
"It's been a pleasure working with Gaston, who has been very kind, patient and understanding when it comes to delivering his work, often giving it a twist and recommending what is best for the piece. Looking forward to..."
"Chris is very professional, kind respectful communicative and on-time. Also patient! I love the way he put together my tracks, a very full and ethereal sound."
"I cannot recommend Josh enough. He has been great to work with because of his ability to hear what I am hearing. He is skilled at bringing out the clarity in instruments and balancing sounds. He is very easy to work w..."
"I loved working with Daniel again. He is an extremely talented producer who has helped me so much to realise my compositions. They've really become more than I thought possible. Daniel took this track to another level..."