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York Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Committed, creative and VERSATILE. As a singer of many voices, each song I record is a personal experience for me. I enjoy helping talented songwriters through the struggles of creating lyrics and melodies, then providing a passionate voice to polish the songs to perfection. Credits include the band Grey Daze and Paramount Music.
Let me help you bring your song to life! I can offer Songwriting, Production, Vocal Recording, and Mix services for your project.
Session Musician/Producer/Composer. I've toured internationally and played on Top 10 Albums/Platinum/Gold songs. I play Guitar, Bass Guitar, Keyboards and program Drums.
Session Singer looking to collaborate with you! I am well versed in multiple genres and capable of arranging vocals as well. I've worked with Kesha to Yolanda Adams. Let's connect!
A South African hip hop lover with passion and dedication.
Hi there! I'm a queer singer-songwriter based in Manila, Philippines. Have worked with producers and artists in the US, Canada, and Asia. Collaborated on songs and covers that have over 3 million streams.
Songwriter with quick turn around time at your service!
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Recent Successes
"I love the master!!!!!!! Andres does phenomenal work! Highly recommended!!"
"This experience was a pleasure — professional, quick, responsive and great feedback. And most importantly, my track sounds professionally mixed, with great punch and balance. Recommend!"
"First time I've worked with him, and he's really fast in delivering your master , and he did a really good job!"
"Had Rob play some bass on a song last month, loved what he did so much I sent him another two tracks and by golly he nailed it again. Absolute wizard on the bass guitar."
"I worked with Joanna And definitely an amazing service Good attitude and professional work"
"Approachability, easy comms and experience make Andy a great engineer. He has a real talent for vocal processing and a good ear for how to polish your sound - highly recommend! "
"Always on the top 🔝🎶 A pleasure (and a great chance) to work with Robert! Each time... same thing! Bravo and see you soon for the next musical adventures!! "
"I like working with Amanda because she's very quick to turn in vocal work. It has a very personal style, the lyrics are interesting and it also brings ideas. A pleasure to work with her again!"