Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Yale University
Music @ Yale University - Experienced Composer for Films, Short Films, and Media Projects
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It takes a lot of trust for an artist to hand over their music to an engineer, hoping their work comes out exactly how they envisioned it. That's what I plan on delivering.
You tell me what you need and it will get done. Producing is my strongest suit but I'm more than capable functioning as an engineer or an artist. Let's work.
Want your music Radio Ready? Try out my Mastering Service.
Released on We Are Diamond, NCS, Paraiso, Soave, Frequency and more. Collected over 400 Million streams on my artist projects. Specializing in Chill / Deep / Melodic House Productions.
Complete music production! I play all keyboard instruments. Produced music for television series "Blue Bloods", and "Blind spot", and "Pawn Stars".
¨ La calidad y el sonido bien ejecutado es mi prioridad ¨ es una de las frases que entendí al momento de compartir: Aterciopelados, los autenticos decadentes entre otros Hola a todos bienvenidos a mi perfil donde me dedico hacer lo que mas me gusta y es ayudar a todos ustedes aportando ideas desde la batería Si necesitas creatividad QUEDATE AQUÍ!!
Looking for tight licks and riffs? Let's work together! I've been playing guitar for 14 years, mainly technical and progressive metal. Anyway, I want to point out I'm also interested on working on different genres, so as to extend my knowledge in as many musical contexts as possibile. That said, hit me up if you need a session guitarist!
Toningenieur in Feldkirch
Recent Successes
"Really will bring your vision to life and completely passionate with what they do to give your song exactly what you your looking for definitely will be working with them again!"
"Killian is the top producer on SB for a reason! The quality of the work he did for me is remarkable. Fully radio ready, commercially viable track that I can actually use to promote myself as an artist and also for pot..."
"This is my second project with Blake and he really delivered - again. Blake helped dial in the song’s key to best fit his range and it paid off - He’s very responsive and efficient - the stems sound great and he’s ve..."
"Ten songs completed with Jenny within ten months. Wow! The eleventh one coming soon. It has been just pure pleasure all the way and such a smooth ride. Exciting new project as well! Totally cool :-)"
"Booooom! Instant classic. If you’re looking for a master to turn your ideas into pure gold, look no further!!"
"What a legend! Dan was great to work with. He explained everything clearly and in an easy going way, and I love the finished product. 👏👏👏 We WILL work together in the future. "
"Working with Reed was awesome! He is so easy to communicate with and he made my song better that I had hoped for. His arrangement and beautiful playing added so much depth and an elegance to this song. Excited to w..."