Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ya pasó
He works and mixes hip hop with Cuban music rhythms together with the musicians that always accompany him in his live presentations.
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Joey Auch is an award winning songwriter, multi instrumentalist, producer and gifted vocalist with vast repertoire of exceptional music to his credit.
Hi Everyone, I'm Zuubi a progressive house/trance producer from England. I've been producing and releasing music since 2013 and I have experience in mastering and mixing for around 10 years. If your EDM project needs a boost I'm happy to help, be it mastering, remixing or full production!
Hey I am Certified Music Producer & Mixing Mastering Engineer. I Have Worked With Many Artist.
Recording Engineer specialized in Audio for Image, an excellent Sound Designer, Mixer for TV series and Mastering broadcast to air . Protools specialist - Consider among his colleagues and TV series Producers as an excellent mixer of audio for image, and the on air results that charlie generates are of superb quality for on-air purposes
Hi! I was a Top 7 Finalist on American Idol in 2020, winning not only an international following but critical praise from judges Katy Perry, Lionel Richie, and Luke Bryan for my singing and songwriting. I was invited back onto the show in 2021, where I performed one of my latest originals. Multiple songs of mine have been synced with ABC.
LA-based producer and engineer with over 7 years of experience in the field. Worked under #1 charting producer Kevin Anyaeji, and have worked with major label and independent artists from across the world. I mainly specialize in hip-hop, R&B, and pop but have worked on hundreds of songs across all types of genres. Contact me, let's work!
my name is kelvin i am a music producer /beat maker /audio mixing /mastering i also score movies i do jingles etc
Recent Successes
"One more song for which Lydia recorded backing vocals for me. Super fast turnaround, extremely professional and zero instructions from my side needed, since she understands my work perfectly! Do work with her, you wi..."
"I couldn't have asked for anything more than the work that Frank did putting my lyrics to music/melody. His industry insight was invaluable in refining the structure for commercial viability while keeping the soul of..."
"Top notch as usual"
"When adding a vocal to my tracks first and foremost I want it to lift the track... Joey delivered that and much more. Amazing voice, perfectly tuned vocal stems, lyrics that simply work with the vibe of the track and ..."
"Excellent mastering as always! Look no further if you're interested in pure quality sound "
"Great drumming, clean sound recording! Brought some live swing and groove to my programmed beats."
"Amazing result from Tom, also very efficient! Appreciated. "
"Always a pleasure hearing our songs given the due diligence they deserve, highly recommended!"
"Matt knows the exact sound I’m going for and is always speedy with his deliveries."