Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Xanthic - Oblivion
Everybody could produce, but not everyone can tell a story with their productions. Having good lyrics or instrumental melodies is not enough if you don’t know how to create expressivity, storytelling and feelings. Making good music is not just how your song sounds, but it’s mostly how you make people feel while they are listening to it.
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Catharine Wood is an established Los Angeles-based engineer/producer and studio owner. She launched her versatile career engineering on high-profile commercials — including the first Apple iPhone spot. As a mix/mastering engineer, she has delivered over 500 (both original and client) commercially released songs airing on many major networks.
Whether you need an instrumental, instrumentation, or scratching, I'm your guy!
Need a polished record? Need It mixed and mastered? This is a one-stop shop for turning your ideas into a reality without ever having to sacrifice your artistic integrity! When you're working with Gingerbread, it's all about the music!
I'm available for full music production, recording, beat making, arranging, mixing, session violin/viola+string quartet/trio/duo & lessons.
In 5 Years Ive been making original, mysitical, a bit strange light spark vocal madness MAGIC/ a variety of voices. The response from people to my music is often admiration and congratulations.
Get a tailor-made instrumental for your vocals, and take your music to the next level!
My credits range from Broadway to LA, Toronto to Vancouver. Calgary is home but the world is just an online / remote away (or an airport away!). Music production to Video production. Radio, TV, Film. Mixing, composing, sound design.
I am a session guitarist & vocalist, as well as touring engineer with over 10 years of experience.
Recent Successes
"Once again Andres proves to be one of the best engineers on the scene. I had a very long and complex track to master, a rich arrangement full of percussive instruments, and the result is excellent as usual I couldn't..."
"Incredible work! will definitely collab on some more project with him very soon."
"I couldn't have picked a better person to help me through recording my song. With me being a complete novice, Darren completely guided me through the process and worked extensively with me until perfection was cre..."
"James did everything he promised when mastering my track! Great job!"
"John's mixing is amazing! He made my cello piece sound like it was recorded in a concert hall, but it was recorded in a cellist's closet by a not-expensive mic, the result is like magic! In addition, he is very easy t..."
"I don't have enough words to say to describe the amazing job Kostas did on my song. He has officially made it to my go to metal bro! He is down to earth, real, truly cares about the integrity of the song... well, th..."