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Wuhan Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Four-time Grammy Award winning Mix Engineer Manny Marroquin is one of the world's most in-demand Mixers, with credits on a wide variety on chart toppers from hit makers Rihanna , Kanye West, Alicia Keys, Bruno Mars, John Mayer, Linkin Park and many many others.
I mix music in a different way that keeps the listeners attention.
I just want to learn more, and gain new experiences because I'm still learning.
I recently played bass on DMX's newest album 'Exodus' with a feature from Nas and Denaun aka Mr. Porter.
Between 90 to 150bpm
Produzco tu cancion, grabo las guitarras, mezclo y masterizo. Actualmente, trabajo en la banda de la que soy compositor y productor.
Quality without competition.
Remote Mix Engineer with 7+ years experience, over 500,000 streams, and owner of independent Midwest record label, Wally Opus Records. Mixed for Para Doc, The Chugs, Atlas of the Dogs, and Swamp Eyes to name a few. Always looking for exciting new artists to work with!
Recent Successes
"Ajinkya produced an excellent mix and mastering of a dance track i passed to him. Would recommend his services to anyone. Cecil."
"Zach is an awesome dude. He wrote a song for me that explained exactly the message that I was trying to get out. He knew how to get inside of my head and pour it in deep lyrical form. Zach’s the way to go! Definitely ..."
"Amazing work, truly a professional at what he does especially when it comes to vocals. "
"Really wonderful playing and took direction really well. The pieces were very complicated but ELDAD really delivered. "
"great job by dj pain 1 "
"Not only Great as a producer, but also amazing with His mixing/Mastering skills. More projects soon! "
"As usual Luke absolutely killed it. He gave us everything we needed in a timely manner and it sounds fantastic. Definitely recommend hiring Luke!!!"