Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Worth It (Stephanie Rodd)
If you're seeking a unique and professional voice to bring your music to life, you've come to the right place! I'm Stephanie, I'm a passionate singer-songwriter and I have worked with several producers. My first single 'Worth It' is available on all streaming platforms.
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Hello! I'm a sound designer & mixing engineer with more than 15 years of extensive experience in the media industry worldwide, and 400+ credits in Film Score, TV Shows, Records, Documentary and Advertising mixing.
(Colton) is an up and coming Pop Recording Artist. They released their first single on the Youtube channel ColtonVevo called "I Shouldn't Go Home With You" which is got a great review from A&R. Colton released their second single "We're In This Together" which is collaborating with many artists coming out soon. Contact if you want info.
A producer, a photographer, a singer/songwriter.
Co Produced A Song For Lil Baby
I have a degree in composition, play a variety of instruments, am proficient in music theory, sound design, music production and recording, mixing and mastering.
For most artists, having a relaxed, judgement-free zone holds the key to a successful recording experience. It's about balancing a number of things... Workflow, feedback, attitude, and a multitude of other factors, tend to go a long way to creating a desirable "larger than life performance" in the studio. At Evolution Sound we do that!
Songwriter and Session musician. In the file of session musicians at the Galaxy Studios.
Pierre George Arnold III is a seasoned leader with 15+ years of experience implementing medical record software and managing multi-million dollar projects.
Recent Successes
"Bruno is an amazing musician! He recorded beautiful cello and bass tracks for my song and was so cooperative and creative! Absolute pleasure to work with! "
"If everyone in this business were as talented, professional and flexible as Sefi, it’d be way more fun than it already it is. Would not be able to finish this project without him."
"It was an absolute pleasure working with Bailey! She was quick, professional and her vocals blew all my expectations out of the water! I can't wait to finish the project that we were working on and show it to the worl..."
"Yoed is an absolute pro. He'll take your song to a whole other level, exceed your expectations, and also has quick turnaround. I'll definitely be a repeat customer. Hire this guy. Thanks again Yoed!"
"Stephen wrote very catchy lyrics and melody for this project and I'm satisfied with the end result. On top of it, his vocals are beautiful. Super happy with how the back and forth went between us. Hope to collaborate ..."
"I loved working with him! He managed to make the bridge of the song sound even better. The verses just exactly how I imagined. Just tell him every detail you want and he'll do it. 5 stars!"
"Excellent work, as always !!! "