Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with World Tree Records
Dance music producer with releases on Space Yacht Records, Heist Mode, Graydient, and World Tree Records. My songs have impressed the likes of deadmau5, Julian Gray, Blanke, Morgin Madison, Speaker Honey, and Rhyot.
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I've recorded more than 250 albums worldwide as a cellist and/or string arranger. Over 30 years of music experience between folk, blues, pop and haevy-rock.
Electrifying beats and heart-throbbing grooves: Step into the vanguard of Pop and House with a maestro who knows no limits!
I am a small size but big quality studio, have produced several local artists in my country (Venezuela, south America). I usually make all the production work, produce, recordng, edit, mixing and mastering.
I have been recording and mixing music for over 15 years. I've had the privilege of working with artists in multiple genres and strive to bring out the best performance in each project. I also work closely with an amazing group of session musicians that will deliver for any client.
My strength is adding instruments to your creation. We can also put words and music to your idea and create an excellent demo.
As a synth-wiz and pianist, plus a talented producer in the fields of pop, disco, funk, soul and rock, I can add spice and flavor to your music.
Artist / Producer / Recording Studio / Mix & Mastering / Lable
Innovative, souful and fresh guitar parts, lets spice up your project. Over 10 years writing and performing music, I am willing to collaborate and take your music to the next level
Recent Successes
"Signature voice, creative songwriting, fast working, top quality stems, positive energy and nice personality. All this in one person. Thanks Ella :-)"
"We needed help to finalize the production + mixing of our song and Gabe did an amazing job. He added his own touch to our production, improved the structure of the song and added great elements. The process was am..."
"Second time now working with Turner. Overall a great and professional experience. He's very knowledgeable about mixing and helps you get the sound you want. Super quick turnaround on revisions and he's willing to go t..."
"Aleesia was amazing to collaborate with! Went super in-depth with the process and was very communicative and patient. Also her voice is amazing! I highly recommend her."
"He work is definitely 5 ⭐️ I highly recommend him."
"Diligent and hardworking - REALLY talented!"
"Robert is incredibly versatile and just pure fun to work with! The final product exceeded my expectations! We will definitely be doing more work together in the future."
"Simply put, If you want the BEST, you hire Megan and her team. They take no shortcuts delivering you a product that rivals top singers in the industry. Looking forward to more amazing projects!"
"Always great to work with Matt! Perfect! Thanks! 😀"
"Sean is one of the best I;ve worked with here. Full package! Incredible talent, listens well, and I love his process of sending multiple tracks to choose from off the bat. Will definitely use him again!"