Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Wires R Alive
Grammy-worthy sound starts here—I've mixed for Nampa Básico, Totó La Momposina, Swedish Nightingales, Stray Love, FatsO across genres like pop, rock, and hip-hop, and now I’m ready to take your music to the next level.
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I have spent the last 10 years within the music industry from performing with several bands, recording, editing, mixing and mastering for my own work and for others. I am starting my own Music Production company with a colleague of mine called All Father Audio. I am offering all musical services so please get in touch.
I strive to make your audience sing along with what they heard and fell in love with on your records, as they get immersed into your show!
Hi, my actual name is Simon Egelund - My artist name is Magty
Do you need Hip Hop vocals that cut through your mix? Do you need tuning for layers upon layers of Pop/R&B vocals? Do you need a chart topping pop hit, or a speaker knocking Hip Hop track? Then you've come to the right place!
Passionate, academically trained violinist, ready to record chamber and solo string settings for musicians, producers, studios; seeking that unique flow of strings.
Welcome! I'm Paci drummer based in Belgium. I have been a professional musician for 13 years, specializing in Gospel, Pop, Rock, Funk, R'n'B & Hip-Hop. Music is a lot of things but to me, recording music feels like painting. It is the knowledge of knowing where to put the right colors to convey the right emotions!
Andrés Oddone has worked on materials by renowned artists in world music, organic house, neo folklore and hip hop, giving a special touch and the appropriate closure to albums that today are fundamental in those scenes.
My goal is to provide inspired, creative and professional drum & percussion tracks for producers & artists worldwide. Everything from drums and percussion, to distinctive loops & rhythmic textures.
Recent Successes
"I asked for 1 mix. This is my first time working with Rob and he gave me everything I wanted. He has an amazing ear for detail and pushed my mix to another level. He has a solid portfolio of amazing work and I plan on..."
"Rob is the man!! Highly Recommend"
"Mal is really great to work with. His deep industry experience, professional advice and ear were invaluable for this project. He was extremely communicative and professional, and we even wrapped up ahead of schedule..."
"Pasha's horns were incredible for my latest track! Its amazing how fast he turned it around as well. He was very professional and did a great job connecting with the music. I am very excited to release my music now! "
"I requested Ziv to play a solo on a song's outro. He responded quickly and provided me with a preview in less than 24h. Even though his work sounded perfect, I sent him some reviews and he got back with a masterpiece...."
"Such ease to work with. He also truly listened to my vision, and tried his best to get it there, and for that I am recommend him tenfold and I am beyond grateful."
"Reggie strikes again on a new track! It is absolutely beautiful, provided perfect bass guitar and drums tracks, highly recommended!"
"Nicky is a super talented mastering engineer. He is very helpful, honest and kind. I will let Nicky do my next masters."
"If I want to sum it up, his playing has an extraordinary soulfulness! Professionalism and creativity in a class of its own. Strong recommendation."