Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with winner beatport producer challenge
Winner of the Beatport Producer Challenge 2020, with over 20 entries in the Beatport Top 100. Since 2012, I have been producing electronic music, specializing in Afro House, Indie Dance, and Melodic Techno. My sound and production style align with labels like Keinemusik, MoBlack, Godeeva Records, and more Melodic Techno labels like Siamese.
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Music Producer, Mix and Mastering Engineer.
I take influences and find a way to put my own creative spin on it. Make it feel fresh, new. Unique processing methods on sounds. My childlike attitude with creating leads to a lot of happy accidents. In terms of song writing I lean toward raw words, emotion and intuition.
I've got a material for many pop albums and it waits for implementation.
I am a versatile music producer, composer and mixing and mastering engineer. I have worked on different genres through out my life, 10 years in the music industry I mainly work with Tropical, Pop, Reggaeton sound, however I can pull it off on another genres, such as Alternative Rock, Alternative, Trap, R&B and more.
Music is the only thing that penetrates your mind without your permission....Make sure it's GUD Muzik....Peace!
A professional audio mix & mastering engineer with over 7 years of experience.
I'm a versatile singer that sings authentically in most genres and can write lyrics quickly and to order, with years of studio experience and a few major awards to support my claim.
Im a dj and producer based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In my 10 years of experience i've played my music around my country and others for thousands of people. My produced tracks have been featured in many big channels like BLANC, SPINNIN, HOUSESIX, SUBSOUL AND MORE!
Recent Successes
"Austin's master-mix sounded great. It was very full, warm, and crisp, a definite improvement from the production mix. He embraced the style of music and gave the mix a great finishing touch. Pleasure to communicate an..."
"Matt brought an absolutely outstanding sound to my Pop EP. Very clear, loud, and hard-hitting mixes. Really easy to communicate with and responded quickly! Amazing work and can't wait to work again in the future."
"Great to work with Scott again, always a pleasure - true professional on every level ! really enjoy making music to a high standard. Spot On !"
"Ziv really provides much more than just a session musician role as I find his creative input to the guitar tracks to be invaluable. I've repeatedly worked with him and am always impressed with how he's able to really ..."
"Prep communication with Fred was very effective and pleasant, full of very helpful details! The track came back with great quality and in such a quick turnaround. My song was definitely taken to the next level, looki..."
"My music was beautifully realised by Arthur. Correspondence was professional and clear. I would have no hesitation in working with Arthur again. "
"Great, fast and professional!"
"Dylan was an excellent choice. I am super happy with how my tracks turned out and the whole process was very smooth. Dylan is fast, skilled, and has a very good musical understanding besides being just a very nice ..."
"First of all i would like to say he is the best ! He makes recording vocals really fun and exciting! I would say he is a professional and knows what he is doing ! He brings life to any idea and makes it into a wonderf..."