Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Wide Waters
My high attention to detail ensures that the quality of your record will be second to none, leaving you with a fresh perspective and peace of mind. Some artists that I've worked with include The Struts, Joe Louis Walker, Wide Waters, Debris of Titan, May Thurd, Lloyd Access, Cristina F, & Souto.
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Bradley Levine is an audio engineer based out of Los Angles California. With a background in Audio engineering, Music Production, Bass Guitar, Guitar, Drums, Vocal Tuning, and Demo Reels, Bradley will be able to help with any project given. If you are interested in working with Bradley, Please Contact him above.
Let me give you feedback, mix your stems or master your song. I Love working with dedicated and passionate musicians.
Gold awarded producer, musician, audio engineer and songwriter for acts such as AVEC, Simon Lewis, Mathea with several years of international experience both live and in studio work and over 20 million streams in 2022. I produced and mixed songs that stayed on the top of the airplay charts for several weeks.
I have worked with countless acts including XXL featured artist, Mimi Rose. I also specialize in "Audio Mastering". I acquired this certification from Grammy Award-Winning Mastering Engineer, Blake La Grange. It's important to have a consumer-oriented mindset when mixing and mastering. The audience should EXPERIENCE music, not listen to it.
I am an Audio engineer and musician with experience in a variety of different avenues within sound and music. From music production, mixing and recording engineering to being a session musician, composition to teaching guitar.
Are you tired of generic, uninspired music? Do you crave captivating lyrics that touch the soul and melodies that linger in your mind? Look no further! I am the songwriter you need to elevate your music to new heights. As an experienced and talented songwriter, I am thrilled to offer my services on Sound Better.
Seeking to elevate your music? I'm an experienced mixing/mastering engineer with top credits like Paulina Singer, DL Simba, and more, offering global reach from Breakthrough Sounds Studio in Ohio. I'm not just an engineer; I'm your problem solver and connection maker. Let's bring your music to life!
With a multicultural background and exceptional innovative spirit, a blind musician who Graduated from High School of China Conservatory of Music and UWC Changshu, currently studying in The College of Idaho.
Recent Successes
"My first time with Michael. And not my last !!! As a producer you usually have a rough idea of how you want the vocal to be. Well, Michael tried a different direction that was amazing. He truly interpreted the song ..."
"Another Banger for the books! Mr. Rob Murray kills it every time and will go above and beyond to get the job done as he had to do this time unfortunately because of me. "
"Nina is great to work with, with both an exceptional voice and good and timely communication."
"Another great mix and master from Shelby at River Rock Records! Shelby is a pleasure to work with and always exceeds expectations. I highly recommend her!"
"Jack is the best!!! Gave Jack my first single ever and not only did he provide and incredible mix but guidance and support along the way! Can’t recommend Mr. Rouben enough! "
"I’m very impressed with the end result. Sam is truly an experienced Mix & Master engineer, great communicator. I’m very satisfied."
"Such an amazing talent and super flexible and timely. Great working with Rumle!"
"Meredith really brought a level of satisfaction and light to the title track of this project. Her efficiency and keen ear to detail has earned I respect & admiration indeed. Now looking forward to engaging her again ..."
"Sefi Carmel is an absolute genius and master at his craft. I cannot recommend him enough. I approached Sefi with an experimental piece and was immediately impressed with how well he seemed to intuitively understand wh..."