Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with We and the Machines
I am a versatile vocalist, I can record anything you can imagine.
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Over 1 billion streams worldwide including 3 UK-chart topping albums.
With over 10 years of experience in the business, Oodaï has developed a unique & highly professional sound on par with today's music industry. From mainstream over processed digital genres to acoustic music, Oodaï will put all his skills and attention to get your music to sound & to feel exactly the way you want it. Let's work on your sound now !
My goal is to help you get the best sounding mix possible. The mix isn't done till your 100% satisfied.
My name is Dmitry Gubin. I am a composer, musician, arranger, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. In every original composition I put my soul and my gaze and do the work responsibly and sincerely. I write a lot of new music in different styles and genres, from rock music, cinema music and classics to ambient and electro-funk.
I want to help you achieve the sound that you're looking for!
Hello everyone, I am a professional musician and producer, I love making music
Recent Successes
"Another excellent experience working with Codak. Top quality and very professional stuff. He sees your vision and executes to a T. You can't go wrong working with him."
"To do music with him is definitely different ballgame. Dru Castro has strong, powerful and musical ear. His professionalism is based not only on fact, that he know how to deliver the sound and soul for the song, but h..."
"varti is very patient and will go into extreme detail on what needs to be fixed after he fixes it he's very straightforward and does a great job he was very easy to work with "
"This guy is a genius "
"Rob pulled together an amazing sounding mix and master for a live recording which took the track to a whole nother level! Super professional and great to work with! Look forward to working together again soon."
"Awesome Voice and extremely extremely professional."
"Over and over again working with Andres is pure pleasure and professionalism. Truly the best"
"Rosebud went above and beyond to produce a GREAT project for me. She cares very deeply about her work and also has the talent to make your project fantastic."
"Hollie's work ethic, patience and dedication to make it right are just some of her attributes that keep attracting and also making her a permanent fixture to this project. Her vocals is always refreshing no matter h..."