Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tim Burghaus
Hi, I'm Ula (pron. oooh-la ;) ) - a versatile musician and a full-time challenge hunter. I specialize in music production, arrangement, and media composition. Let's make some beautiful tracks together!
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Greetings budding musicians Are you looking to take your tracks to the next level? What I'm offering is a full mix and mastering service, tailored to the style of the artists music.
Live recording, or live in the studio. Capture the moment.
From slamming drums, to beautiful melodies, great energy and vibe, we always provide you the best music. (Mixing, Drums/Guitar/Bass tracking, beats, musical arrangements, etc.)
Nashville based songwriter with country and pop cuts in 3 different continents. Radio singles and billboard charting. Winner of the 2016 John Lennon Songwriting Contest in the country category. Producer and mixing.
As someone who has mixed major label and local I can bring your songs to the front of the line. Having mixed all genres as well as performed on many rock and pop punk records for the last 20 years, I have what it takes to make your song pop
Mix & Master by experienced producer.
Multi-instrumentalist with credits on thousands of tracks, working with artists all over the world. Songwriter, studio producer, and general all-around go-to type guy. Easy to work with, flexible, and can cover styles from blues to bluegrass, songwriter to swing, jazz to jugband. I love to work long distance with artists.
Diverse, Edgy and Radio Ready Records... -R&B -Rap/HipHop -Pop -Dance -Country -Rock -Game Teamwork makes the dream work...Let's Go!
Recent Successes
"The word ‘genius’ is often over used or used unwisely. But Gus is the exception. One of th nicest guys around and a superb song writer, Gus will male your dreams come true. I can’t recommend him highly enough. "
"This was my second time working with Paulina and I am so beyond impressed by her talent! Highly recommend working with her!!"
"Another track slayed! 5 stars!"
"Sencillamente perfecto! No puedo estar más contento con la experiencia con Axe. No solo es un gran profesional, empático, comprensivo, paciente, sino también una gran persona. No dudéis en poneros en sus manos, de ver..."
"Always appreciate the quality work AC brings into projects we do! Never stops impressing I and always excited for the next! Blessed to have been able to work so much with him 🙏🏼"
"Another great master from Andres as always! Would highly recommend 🙏🏻"
"Super happy with the results as always. Andres' recommendations are always on point to get the best results. "
"Awesome to work with. Will be mixing and mastering with him for future projects."
"Coincidence of the shared last names, I only became aware of Brian on Soundbetter, and what a find! He is extremely talented (which just listening to his demo should confirm for anyone with ears), and extremely music..."
"5 stars. This guy killed it on the editing side. Exactly what I wanted."