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Washington Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Hey! I'm Nazfunk. I've played guitar professionally for the last 13 years. I toured as lead guitarist with Jody Watley for 3 years and am currently playing Jimi Hendrix in the Las Vegas production "27 - A Musical Adventure." I've played and recorded on placed commercial music, billboard artists, and done sessions for great producers like Val Garay
One woman creative team. I write the songs, the lyrics, the melodies, create the music, do the mixing and the mastering. I'm a one stop shop.
We work with your mixes not for two, five or ten hours but until it sounds as best as possible!
I sing in the style of the 70's pop, BeeGees, Platters, Rod Stewart, Michael Buble`, Josh Groban, as well as country styles of Willie Nelson, Garth Brooks, George Strait, Keith Whitley.
I'm here to develop a creative sound and share my gifts with the world
Sono un musicista: compongo, arrangio e suono. Ho realizzato migliaia di musiche, di cui molte sono disponibili negli Store online, nonché su YouTube.
Hi I'm Daryl. I'm a Producer & Songwriter based in Seoul, South Korea. As an all-round musician, I want to help you realize your vision and work alongside of you the whole way until you get the final track you want! Let's make something exciting together!
Ariana Grande, Mariah Carey, or Billie Eilish style vocals. 350k followers on TikTok. 1,000,000+ Streams.
Recent Successes
"Fantastic advice and super fast- highly recommended!"
"Another great master from Andres. The master really reflects the type of mood I am trying to convey with the track. Great job!"
"Beautiful performance and stellar recording! "
"Very professional mastering, enjoyed working with Philip."
"Simon blew me away with his stellar communication, care, and talent from the start. As we artists know, our work is extremely precious to us, and Simon made me feel comfortable, heard, and valued from the very beginni..."
"Thank you for the new song, I love the result, very grat song :)"
"I love working with John because he's like a bass chameleon. My songs range from slow and melancholy to loud and grunge-y, but John is never fazed. Whatever the song calls for, he can adapt and deliver something total..."
"I'm convinced that Matt is the greatest rhythmic mind on the planet. His boundless creativity, infectious grooves, and seamless collaboration make working on every project an absolute joy!"