Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Warrior Transmission
Reggae & Dub Producer specialized in groovy, soulful riddims
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Are you ready to take you song to the next level? I AM! Achieve that PRO sound and get that something you want. Your music is the most important thing to me and I never stop until you are satisfied. It doesn't matter where you record it, we can make it sound GREAT!
Professional all in one service for Metal, Hardcore and Rock bands! Crushing sound guaranteed!
I try to never produce the same way twice. For every new project, I challenge myself to use a unique or homemade piece of gear to get unprecedented results.
Music Producer & DJ from Mexico, been working here & there for 11 years. Signed stuff to Armada, Spinnin', Interscope, Universal, Insomniac, EMPO, and more...
Los Angeles based, Miami-born producer, composer, and Grammy-nominated keyboardist to the Stars. Currently touring the world with The Jacksons (formerly The Jackson 5) ::: Bespoke keyboard parts for your project.
I can work with you wherever you are. I can produce your record from start to finish or just add specific instrument parts. I work in various studios, mostly on St. Thomas. I have a saxophone and access to a keyboard synthesizer. I have a computer with Logic, Ableton, a large Waves plugins suite, and various synth/sampler plugins
One Stop Shop For Artist Services
Simple and Business Woman
Recent Successes
"Super high quality master! Done quickly and exactly what I wanted!"
"WOW! unbelievable drummer. Perfect feel and part for my song and delivered in less than 24 hours! Awesome!!"
"Rachel is a very skilled artist with an amazing vocal range, but most importantly she delivers vocal performances with heartfelt emotion that is sure to connect with listeners."
"Incredibly talented singer and songwriter! Looking forward for the next Project!"
"Once again - I got everything what I wanted and my song has got a great foundation with the drums. Thanks so much again, Rainer! "
"Well done! Amazing songwriter and singer she did a great job! Very talented"
"super talented!"
"I was so pleased to be able to have Michelle sing my latest song. She delivered the tracks on time and I am so happy with the takes she gave me. A first-call vocalist if there ever was one."
"It’s unbelievable the enthusiasm and professional performance Sergei brings "
"great job with the vocals on another cover. He really matched the brief and delivered in 48 hours. I recommend!"